SUMMARYThe Navy has gone to great expense to train peoplelike you to safely operate and maintain its ships.Without you and your shipmates, we would not have aNavy. In this chapter, you have been given informationabout personnel safety. Safety is not automatic; youmust practice it constantly. The Navy still has injuries,but they are less frequent than in the past because crewmembers now practice good safety habits.One of the items stressed in this chapter is thetag-out system. Without it, there would be a greatincrease in injuries and deaths. It is a working systemthat, when correctly used, saves many lives.In this chapter you have been made aware that theNavy uses many HAZMATS especially cleaningsolvents that may be toxic and highly flammable. As apetty officer, you must be familiar with all safetyprecautions dealing with HAZMATS and know theprocedures for their handling, storage, transportation,and disposal. You must know how to inspect containersfor leaks and when to reject them if they are damaged.The responsibilities are great; but as a leader and asupervisor, you must get the job done in a safe manner.The responsibilities of the duty DCPO are bothnumerous and important. Training your divisionpersonnel in damage control, fire fighting, egress, andCBR defense could save their lives during a crisissituation. You must ensure that the material conditionof your spaces is properly set and that fire-fighting anddamage control equipment are in excellent condition.These precautions will provide your division with afighting chance in the event of a fire or CBR attack.Knowing the procedures for decontamination stationsis part of CBR and for those who work around nuclearfacilities.Damage control is an integral part of the safety ofpersonnel and equipment. As a DCPO your job will bethe safety of the ship during different conditions. Theclosure log must be maintained. The DCPO also hasthe responsibility to maintain fittings and equipment toensure the material condition of readiness of thecommand. The WQS bill provides personnel with theirbattle stations, lifeboat assignments, and watchstations. The whole command is set up as a supportingorganization to ensure all aspects of safety in everydivision and department.We are a safety-conscious Navy and will be thatway as long as we have personnel like you workingaboard our ships. Never let down in your effort topractice safety whether on or off ship. Because you arevaluable to the Navy and your loved ones, we want youto be as safe as possible.REFERENCESBasic Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA 14277,Naval Education and Training ProfessionalDevelopment and Technology Center, Pensacola,FL, 1999.Navy Occupational Safety and Health (NAVOSH)Program Manual for Forces Afloat, OPNAVINST5100.19, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,DC, 2000.Naval Safety Supervisor, NAVEDTRA 14167, NavalEducation and Training Program ManagementSupport Activity, Pensacola , FL, 1993.Naval Ships’Technical Manual, Chapter 079, “DamageControl, Practical Damage Control,” Naval SeaSystems Command, Washington, DC, 1998.Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, Chapter 631,“Preservation of Ships in Service (SurfacePreparation and Painting),” Naval Sea SystemsCommand, Washington, DC, 1986.Naval Ships’ Technical Manual, Chapter 670,“Stowage, Handling, and Disposal of HazardousGeneral Use Consumables,” Naval Sea SystemsCommand, Washington, DC, 1987.Standard Organization and Regulations of the U.S.Navy, OPNAVINST 3l20.32C, Chief of NavalOperations, Washington, DC, 1994.United States Navy CBR-Defense/United States MarineCorps NBC Defense Handbook , OPNAVP-86-1-95, Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,DC, 1995.United States Navy Chemical, Biological, andRadiological Defense Handbook for Training,NAVSEA S-5080-AA-HBK-010, Naval SeaSystems Command, Washington, DC, 1985.United States Navy Regulations, Department of theNavy, Washington, DC, 1990.6-17Q19.DCPOs are responsible for maintainingdamage control fittings and equipment.1.True2.False
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