3. PROBABLE. Statements of intent to employCBR warfare, directed at U.S. forces or allies, changes inpolitical or military posture of an adversary possessingCBR capabilities, or use of CBR warfare within theOPAREA present a chance of probable involvement in aCBR environment. This threat level requires an estimateof the earliest time the CBR environment will beencountered. This estimate must be based on the strikeranges of delivery systems and the time it takes the striketo arrive at the nearest range limits. Implementation ofMOPP-3 countermeasures is indicated.4. IMMINENT. Confirmation of increased activityinvolving delivery systems, recognized platform attackpatterns, electronic or visual indication of employment ofdelivery systems, or the immediate proximity of knownCBR hazard areas present an imminent danger ofcontamination and/or casualties. Implementation ofMOPP-4 countermeasures is essential.RISK MANAGEMENT ANDIMPLEMENTATION OF MOPPThe decision to initiate or upgrade the ship’s MOPPbegins with determining the threat level, ship’s mission,and corresponding MOPP-level countermeasures thatprovide the minimum acceptable degree of risk. Anincrease in the threat level does not necessarily justifyimmediate execution of all countermeasures included inthe corresponding MOPP level.The next step is to determine the time at which thecountermeasures comprising that MOPP level shouldbegin. The time required to take countermeasures mustbe compared to the time remaining until either thethreat level increases or the risk becomesunacceptable. Waiting too long to startcountermeasures increases the risk to the ship’smission because of the risk to personnel survivability.Alternately, starting countermeasures too early willdegrade the crew’s performance for sustainedoperations in the CBR environment and will ultimatelylimit the ship’s ability to complete the mission. Allcountermeasures must be in effect immediately beforethe ship becomes involved in a CBR environment.Immediately following the attack, an assessmentof the ship’s involvement in the CBR hazard is requiredto determine which countermeasures should remain ineffect to enhance survivability and sustain operation.Frequent reassessments should be made to identify theearliest practical time(s) to secure the countermeasuresand upgrade crew performance for optimum missioncapability.MOPP Level-1 (Suspected Threat) ProtectionDuring MOPP level-1 the following actions mustbe taken:1. Individual protection — Issue the followingindividual protective equipment and medicalsupply items to shipboard personnel andmaintain them at respective battle stations:Protective masks (fitted for immediate use)Chemical protection- Protective masks (with new, unopenedcanister)- Chemical protective overgarments(2 piece)- Chemical protective overboots- Chemical protective glove set- Personnel decontamination kitMedical supply items- Atropine auto-injectors (3)- Auto-injectors (2)- Pyridostigmine pretreatment tablets (21)Biological protection — Consists of the sameprotective equipment required for chemicalprotection, minus the medical items. Chemicalthreat is assumed to be “worst case,” unlessreliable intelligence indicates otherwise.6-12Q14.The risk of a CBR threat can be categorizedinto how many levels of probability?1.One2.Two3.Three4.FourQ15.The term MOPP stands for MissionOrganization Protective Plan.1.True2.FalseREVIEW QUESTIONS
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