DEFINITION OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALWhat is hazardous material? “Hazardousmaterial” can be defined as any material that, becauseof its quantity, concentration, or physical or chemicalcharacteristics, may pose a real hazard to human healthor the environment. Hazardous materials include thefollowing categories:Flammable and Combustible MaterialToxic MaterialCorrosive MaterialOxidizersAerosolsCompressed GasesSeparate directives cover some materialsconsidered hazardous. They include mercury; asbestos;propellants; bulk fuels; ammunition; medical waste; andchemical, biological, and radiological materials.Afloat units turn in used or excess HAZMATS toPublic Works Centers or other shore collection sites.The shore site then restores, recycles, or disposes of theused or excess hazardous materials.HAZARDOUS MATERIALSINFORMATION SYSTEMThe Hazardous Materials Information System(HMIS) is a computerized database of material safetydata sheets (MSDSs). It provides information forpeople working in hazardous material management.The system provides basic technical informationrequired for all levels of hazardous materials to aid intheir proper handling, storage, transportation, anddisposal. In addition, HMIS provides informationabout safety, health, and environmental functions.The HMIS database provides useful information onmore than 70,000 hazardous materials used by DoD.The Naval Supply Systems Command distributes thedatabase quarterly as part of the Hazardous MaterialControl and Management (HMC&M) CD-ROM, whichcontains the following materials:HMIS database with MSDSs and labelsShip Hazardous Material List (SHML)Shelf Life Management ChartHazardous Material User’s Guide (HMUG)Shipboard Safety Equipment Shopping GuideGlossary of Hazardous TermsHMIS/HMC&M Feedback FormNavy Inventory Control Point SHML FeedbackReportDOT GuidesTutorial for hardware and softwareEach ship and most shore stations have been issueda computer compact disk (CD) player and are ondistribution for HMC&M updates.WORK CENTER SUPERVISORSRESPONSIBILITIESWork center supervisors have the followingresponsibilities when working with HAZMATS:Ensure that approved personal protectiveclothing and equipment are maintained and used.Ensure that prior to initial use or handling anyhazardous materials, workcenter personnel have beentrained on the hazards associated with that material andare familiar with what an MSDS is, what it contains, andwhere a copy is available for review.Ensure that, prior to using any hazardous material,personnel under their supervision are trained on thehazards associated with that material, and that they havebeen provided with necessary protective clothing andequipment (i.e., eye protection, respirators, gloves).Ensure that adequate supply and exhaustventilation is maintained in all spaces where hazardousmaterials are used, that such systems are in goodoperating condition, and that they have been evaluatedas adequate by the industrial hygiene survey team. Keepventilation intakes clear of hazardous material at alltimes.6-7Q7.Occupational Safety and Health Admini-stration passed a regulation that requires allcivilian and military employees of the federalgovernment to comply with what regulation?1.Hazardous Material Control andManagement2.Hazard Material and Refuse Management3.Hazard Communication Standard4.Hazardous and Toxic Material DisposalREVIEW QUESTION
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