CHEMICAL, BIOLOGICAL, ANDRADIOLOGICAL (CBR) DEFENSELearning Objectives: Recall the types of riskassessments used to evaluate the appropriate levels ofMission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP). Recallthe four levels of MOPP and the associatedcountermeasures. Identify the use of chemical,biological, and radiological (CBR) protective clothingand equipment for each level of MOPP. Recall how toinstruct personnel on entering, exiting, and personalcleaning in the collective protective system (CPS)decontamination station.This topic will present the use of chemical,biological, and radiological (CBR) protective clothingand equipment for each level of Mission OrientedProtective Posture (MOPP) and the types of riskassessments used to evaluate the appropriate levels ofMOPP. For basic information on CBR you shouldstudy the Basic Military Requirements, NAVEDTRA14277.MISSION ORIENTED PROTECTIVEPOSTUREMOPP procedures are used to establish levels ofreadiness for a chemical agent attack. The proceduresare flexible. They allow the commanding officer (CO)to adapt the requirements for protective clothing andequipment to the degree of the threat and workingconditions at any given time. As an example, personneldoing heavy work in hot weather may suffer heatexhaustion in heavy protective clothing and gas masks.Therefore, unless an attack is actually under way, theCO may relax the protective clothing requirements toprevent certain injury or sickness from heat. Otherexamples include personnel who cannot do their workwearing protective gear, those who need to eat orattend to body functions, and those who must meetother requirements not possible in protective clothing.The command decision to implement each level ofMOPP must be the result of a risk assessment.RISK ASSESSMENTRisk is defined as the assessed difference betweenthe threat level and the activation of appropriate levelsof shipboard countermeasures. The risk of casualtiesand contamination must be evaluated and weighedagainst the ability of personnel to perform their dutieswhile being hindered by individual protectiveequipment and the effects of heat stress.CBR PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT ANDCLOTHINGPersonnel protective equipment used in chemicalwarfare (CW)/biological warfare (BW) defenseincludes masks, clothing, decontamination kits, andantidotes for certain chemical agents. Depending onyour duty station and actual combat assignment, youmay be issued certain items of this equipment. Knowingthe correct procedures for the use of the equipment isvital. Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Defense,Handbook for Training, S-5080-AA-HKB-010, andNSTM, chapter 470, list detailed procedures for the useand maintenance of CW/BW protective equipment.However, only practice can assure that you execute theprocedures properly.MOPP LEVELS AND ASSOCIATEDCOUNTERMEASURESThe risk of a CBR threat can be categorized intofour levels of probability:1. SUSPECTED. An adversary who hasCBR-capable delivery systems within the operations area(OPAREA) presents a suspected threat. Implementationof MOPP-1 countermeasures is indicated.2. POSSIBLE. The expressed affirmation orassessed political will of an adversary to use CBRwarfare increases the threat potential to a possibleinvolvement in a CBR environment. Implementation ofMOPP-2 countermeasures is indicated.6-11Q12.MOPP procedures used to establish levels ofreadiness for a chemical agent attack areflexible.1.True2.FalseQ13.The command decision to implement eachlevel of MOPP must be the result of a riskassessment.1.True2.FalseREVIEW QUESTIONS
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