Radiological:- Don battle dress.- Issue individual dosimeters and doseindicators (DT-60, etc.).2. Collective activities:Direct the ship to general quarters (readinessCondition I may be relaxed and readinessCondition II set at CO’s discretion).Fill pre-positioned canteens with potablewater.Assign personnel to decontamination stationsand assure operability.Post CBR detection and monitoring teamsequipped with required instruments and suppliesdesignated by the ship’s CBR defense bill forreadiness Condition I or II.Strike below, as appropriate, vulnerableflammable and absorbent weather-deckmaterials.Set material condition ZEBRA.Limit weather-deck activities to essentialfunctions.Post and monitor installed CBR detectionequipment and materials as designated by theship’s CBR defense bill.3. Shipboard systems — Activate counter-measures washdown system intermittently.Ensure collective protection systems are fullyoperational and access/exit procedures are ineffect.MOPP Level-4 (Imminent Threat) ProtectionDuring MOPP level-4 the following actions mustbe taken:1. Individual protection:For all CBR threats, don protective mask.Chemical/Biological:- Secure jumper hood over head and aroundmask.- Don chemical protective glove set.Radiological — Don battle dress.2. Collective activities:Direct the ship to general quarters (if notpreviously in effect).Implement mandatory water-drinkingregimen.Initiate continuous monitoring and operationof detection equipment.Set Circle WILLIAM on ventilation systems(except CPS).Radiological — Secure sea chests forunderwater nuclear detonations, as directed bythe ship’s CBR defense bill.Prepare NBC Warning and Reporting system(NBCWRS) messages for transmission.Shipboard systems — Activate counter-measures washdown system to operatecontinuously.PERSONNEL DECONTAMINATIONSTATIONSTo instruct personnel on entering, exiting, andpersonal cleaning in the CPS decontamination station,we must review the basics of the procedure. If youwork at a command with nuclear facilities, you will betrained in further detail by qualified personnel. For thesituation of nuclear attacks and blasts, review the basicinformation contained in the Basic MilitaryRequirements, NAVEDTRA 14277.Personnel decontamination stations differsomewhat from ship to ship, but the basic requirementsof the stations are the same. Each decontaminationstation is divided into two parts: (1) a contaminated orunclean section containing a washing area and (2) a6-14Q16.Readiness condition III (wartime steaming) isset during what MOPP level? QUESTION
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