REVIEW ANSWERSA1.(1) True. The objective of any safety programis to improve operational readiness byreducing personnel deaths and injuries and bydecreasing material loss and damage.A2.(3) The division safety petty officer isresponsible for conducting assigned divisionmishap prevention training and maintainingappropriate records.A3.(3) On the command level, the safety councilconvenes monthly to developrecommendations for policy on safety mattersand to analyze progress of the overall safetyprogram.A4.(4) You can promote safety through the use ofposters, periodic safety patrols or inspections,and through the use of warning and cautionsigns.A5.(1) True. The number of tag-out logs requireddepends on the ship size. For instance, largerships may require a separate log for eachdepartment while a minesweeper may onlyrequire one tag-out log for the whole ship.A6.(2) After the tags have been cleared and therecord sheet is properly filled out for theremoval of the tags, place the sheet in theback of the tag-out log in the cleared sectionfor destruction at a later time.A7.(3) The Hazard Communication Standard waspassed to ensure the safety of every civilianand military employee of the federalgovernment.A8.(2) False. As a supervisor you are responsiblefor the welfare and safety of your personnel.When handling HAZMAT, protective clothingand equipment must be used and maintained.A9.(4) Check the labels on all containers. Indealing with the hazards involved in solvents,you should always follow all safetyprecautions that pertain to hazardous material.A10.(2) False. Most solvents are toxic, and with afew exceptions, are flammable.A11.(1) True. Absorbents used in cleaning,applying, or packing HAZMATS should betreated using the same precautions followedfor the hazardous material they absorbed.A12.(1) True. MOPP procedures allow the CO toadapt the requirements for protective clothingand equipment to the degree of the threat andworking conditions at any given time.A13.(1) True. Risk is the assessed differencebetween the threat level and the activation ofappropriate levels of shipboardcountermeasures.A14.(4) There are four MOPP levels ofprobability.A15.(2) False. MOPP stands for Mission OrientedProtective Posture.A16.(1) A collective activity during MOPP level 1is to set readiness condition III.A17.(2) Each decontamination station is dividedinto two parts: (1) a contaminated or uncleansection and (2) a clean section.A18.(1) True. The closure log is maintained at alltimes, whether the ship is in port or underway.A19.(1) True. DCPOs are charged with ensuringthat the material condition of spaces assignedto them is maintained according to thecommand’s damage control, fire fighting, anddefense procedures.6-18
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