The federal catalog system is responsible fornaming, describing, classifying, and numbering allitems carried under centralized inventory control bythe DoD and the civil agencies of the federalgovernment. In all supply functions from purchase tofinal disposal, only one identification may be used foreach item.This system also serves as an economy measure.Instead of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and civilagencies each purchasing and maintaining large stocksof materials, all agencies can make use of centralizedstocks. North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)countries also use the federal catalog system.STOCK AND CONTROL NUMBERSStock and control numbers are used to identify andorder material in the supply system. The identificationnumbers are known asnational stock numbers (NSNs),NATO stock numbers (a variation of the NSN)Navy item control numbers, andlocal item control numbers.A definition and description of the types of stockand control numbers are stated in the followingparagraphs.National Stock NumbersThe national stock numbers (NSNs) are the mostcommon numbers used to identify material. An NSN isa 13-digit number consisting of a 4-digit federal supplyclassification (FSC) code number and a 9-digitnational item identification number (NIIN). Figure 7-1shows the typical NSN format.The FSC number identifies an item by commodityor description. The first two digits of the FSC arecalled the FSC group, and the last two digits of theFSC are called the FSC class. Figure 7-2 is anexample of the FSC system. The first two digitsd e n o t e t h e g r o u p o r m a j o r d iv i s i o n o f t h ecommodities; for example, group 53 is hardware andabrasives. The last two digits (for example, 05) denotethe class or subdivision within a group. In otherwords, screws are a class or subdivision in thehardware and abrasives group.The NIIN identifies each item of supply used bythe DoD and NATO. The NIIN relates to identificationdata that makes an item of supply different (as far asDoD is concerned) from every other item of supply.The amount and type of identification data depend onthe item and its intended use. Although the NIIN is partof the NSN, it is used independently to identify an item.Except for identification lists, most federal supplycatalogs are arranged in NIIN order.NATO Stock NumbersA NATO agreement provided for the adoption ofthe United States NSN system as the basis for theNATO item identification system. A NATO stocknumber is identical to an NSN with the exception of thenational codification bureau (NCB) code. The NCBcode consists of the first two digits of the NIIN (seefig. 7-1). The NCB code either identifies the countrythat assigned the stock number or indicates that thestock number is used by two or more countries. Forexample, an NCB will be 00 or 01 to indicate the7-2Stores AccountCognizance SymbolMaterial Control CodeFederal Supply GroupFederal SupplyClassification (Group)Federal SupplyClassification (Class)NationalCodification Bureau CodeNational Item IdentificationNumberNational Stock NumberSpecial Material Identification Code1HQ 5330-00-010-4960-X3MRP3f0701Figure 7-1. Typical NSN format.GROUP 53Hardwareandabrasives5305 - Screws5306 - Bolts5307 - Studs5310 - Nuts and washers5320 - Rivets4810 - Valve solenoid4820 - Valve angle4010 - Wire rope, steel4020 - Rope, fibrous4030 - Hook, guyGROUP 48ValvesGROUP 40Rope,cable,chain,andfittingsMRP3f0702Figure 7-2. Classes of material within stock groups.
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