7-6MSN SOS UNIT PRICEUIACTAACQUPSLCSECRCMCD-NAVYDMLITEM NAMEPCPHRASE STATEMENTCS SMCCMMC IR RRCMRP3f0703Figure 7-3. Management List-Navy (ML-N).COLUMN TITLE DATA PRINTEDACTION CODEA one-position alpha code that designates the type of actionrequired by the file maintenance computer toenter/update/delete data in various cyclic or master filesNATIONAL STOCK NUMBER A 13-digit number that uniquely identifies an item of supplySOURCE OF SUPPLYThe routing identifier of the managing activity, which is apotential source of supplyACQUISITION ADVICE CODEA code indicating how (as distinguished from where) andunder what restrictions an item will be acquiredQUANTITY PER UNIT PACKA code representing the number of units of issue included inthe first tie, wrap, or container in which the NSN is preparedfor shipmentUNIT OF ISSUE(LIMIT)The abbreviations printed represent determinate amounts orquantities that have been established as standards ofmeasurement for issue of materials or suppliesUNIT PRICEThe dollars and cents of the item per unit of issue (Formaterial control code “A” and acquisition advice code “L,”prices are estimated.)SHELF LIFE CODEA code indicative of the interval of shelf-life time (based onestablished technical factors) beyond which the item may notbe satisfactory for use (See NAVSUPINST 4410.52 forfurther guidance.)SECURITYCLASSIFICATION CODEA code indicative of the degree of security assigned an itemREPAIRABILITY CODEA one-position code that indicates whether or not an item isrepairable (Repairability code for Navy-managed items is thematerial control code [MCC].)COGNIZANCE CODE (SYMBOL)A code designating a segment of material for managementby a specific inventory manager and the funding involved;that is,odd digit for Navy stock fund (NSF), even digit for APATable 7-1. ML-N Contents
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