MATERIAL PROCUREMENTLearning Objectives: Recognize the procedures torequisition supplies and material through the Navysupply system. Recall the purpose of MILSTRIP.Recognize the documents used to order material. Recallthe purpose of UMMIPS. Recall how the prioritydesignator is determined. Recognize the purpose of thevarious types of CASREPs. Recall the purpose of MTRitems.Once you have determined that a replacement partis required and you have its NSN, you are ready toorder the part. In the Navy, this process is calledprocurement.Procurement is the process of obtaining materialsand services to support the operation of an activity. Thetwo basic methods of procurement in the Navy are byrequisition and by purchase.As a division supply petty officer or perhaps as awork center supervisor, you will play an important rolein the procurement of materials and services. If you arein one of these positions, you will be required to decidethe necessity of material requested by the work centersupervisors in your division or by your ownsubordinates. You also must know if the material isauthorized for use by your command, division, or workcenter. In addition, you must determine the importanceof the material over other material and properly assigna priority designation. As a supply petty officer or workcenter supervisor, you will be the principal adviser toyour division leading chief petty officer and divisionofficer on all matters of procurement at the divisionlevel.MILITARY STANDARDREQUISITIONING AND ISSUEPROCEDUREA requisition is a request for materials or services.The most common method of requisitioning materialsis through a DoD system known as the MilitaryStandard Requisitioning and Issue Procedure(MILSTRIP).As the name implies, MILSTRIP is used for therequisitioning and issuing of materials. Manytransactions must take place between the time arequisition is submitted and the material is received.Some of these transactions include the furnishing ofsupply status information, follow-up requests,redistribution orders, referral orders, and cancellationrequests. Such transactions are all an integral part ofthe MILSTRIP.With the exception of certain classes of material,MILSTRIP is used for ordering material through theNavy supply system. These exemptions are listed inO p e ra t i n g P ro c e d u re s M a n u a l f o rMILSTRIP/MILSTRAP, NAVSUP P-437.Requisition DocumentsMILSTRIP requisitioning is based upon coded,single line item (one stock number) documents.Several types of documents are used to order material.The most commonly used documents are as follows:1. NAVSUP Form 1250-12. DD Form 13483. DD Form 1348-64. DD Form 1149Under certain circumstances, requisitions may besubmitted either by message or by letter.The following paragraphs describe the purposeand basic requirements for the forms just mentioned.Complete information concerning the preparation ofthese documents is contained in NAVSUP P-485.NAVSUP Form 1250-1 (fig. 7-9) is used as aconsumption document by all forces and as aMILSTRIP requisitioning/issuing document bynonautomated ships of the submarine forces. Theform is used primarily for procuring materials orservices. Submarine tenders or bases also use theform as an invoice for materials supplied to supportedunits of the fleet. NAVSUP Form 1250-1 wasdeveloped to meet two needs: (1) to improve7-11Q5.The COSALis both a technical and supplydocument.1.True2.FalseQ6.Cryptographic, or cryptologic items are listedin the ML-N.1.True2.FalseREVIEW QUESTIONS
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