inventory control procedures and (2) to reportconsumption under the maintenance data system(MDS). Prepare NAVSUP Form 1250-1 according tothe following general instructions:1. Use a ballpoint pen or typewriter.2. Annotate each entry in the proper data block.3. To avoid confusion between the numeric 0 andthe alphabetic O, use the communication Ø forzeroes.For non-NSN requirements, the Non-NSNRequisition form (NAVSUP Form 1250-2)consolidates the information previously submitted ontwo forms (NAVSUP Form 1250-1 and DD Form1348-6). Distribution and preparation procedures forthis seven-part form (fig. 7-10) are identical to thosefor NAVSUP Form 1250-1. Additional information onthis form can be found in NAVSUP P-485.The Single Line Item Requisition SystemDocument (Manual), DD Form 1348 (fig. 7-11), isused to requisition material from naval supplyactivities. The form also is used to follow up, modify,cancel, or trace previously submitted requisitions. Theform is available as two-part, four-part, or six-partcarbon interleaved forms for manual use or as asingle-card form for mechanized use. All copies of themanual forms are identical except for data blocks T andU. These blocks are blank on the original, but thecopies have a place printed on them to show the unitand total price. The mechanized form is basically thesame as the manual form, except that data blocks A andB are omitted.Codes are used extensively in MILSTRIPrequisitioning because only 80 alphanumericcharacters can be placed on the card. (This does notinclude the activity names shown in data blocks A andB.) Selecting the correct code to convey the properinformation to the supplier is essential. The correctcodes are just as important on a requisition as thecorrect NSN. A “ready reference” code list that appliesto your ship is a time-saver when selecting andinterpreting such MILSTRIP codes as routingidentifiers, project codes, advice codes, status codes,and fund codes. MILSTRIP/MILSTRAP Desk Guide,NAVSUP P-409, lists all of the supply system codesand is available through the supply system. Use theNAVSUP P-409 to find codes that apply to yoursituation when making your “ready reference” codelist.Use a typewriter or ballpoint pen to prepare theDD Form 1348. Do not use a pencil. Pencil marks cancause errors when the requisition is processedthrough mark-sensing equipment at shore activities.You do not have to space the entries within the tickmarks printed on the form, but you must make theentries within the proper data blocks. Remember to usethe communication Ø on MILSTRIP requisitionswhen zeroes must be used.7-12MRP3F0709Figure 7-9. Single Line Item Consumption/Requisition Document (Manual), NAVSUP Form 1250-1.
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