UNIFORM MATERIAL MOVEMENT ANDISSUE PRIORITY SYSTEMUniform Material Movement and Issue PrioritySystem (UMMIPS) is a vital and integral part of theMILSTRIP system. MILSTRIP provides forms andprocedures for requisitioning material. UMMIPS setspriorities for the issuance and movement of material.Each activity that requests resources for logisticssystems, such as transportation, would like for itsrequest to take top priority. However, requests must beprocessed according to the military importance of theactivity and the urgency of the need. Each activityindicates this priority information by a force/activitydesignator (F/AD) and an urgency of need designator(UND). These designators determine the prioritydesignator (PD) assigned to the requisition.Force/Activity DesignatorA F/AD is a Roman numeral (I-V) that identifiesand categorizes a force or activity on the basis of itsmilitary importance (fig. 7-14). NAVSUP P-485outlines the assignment of F/ADs.Urgency of Need DesignatorThe UND is a letter (A, B, or C) that indicates therelative urgency of a force’s or activity’s need for arequired item of material. The force or activityrequiring the material assigns the UND.The basic definitions for the urgency of needdesignator are as follows:Priority DesignatorThe PD is a two-digit number (01, the highest, to15, the lowest). The PD is determined by using thetable of priority designators (fig. 7-14). The table iseasy to use. For example, if your activity is assigned anF/AD of II and your requirement is of a routine nature,the priority to be assigned would be 12.7-16Q7.MILSTRIP is used for which of the followingtransactions?1.Requisitioning material2.Issuing material3.Cancellation of material requests4.All of the aboveQ8.Which of the following forms is/are used toorder material?1.DD Form 13482.DD Form 1348-63.DD Form 11494.All of the aboveQ9.If the NSN is not available for a repair part,what form should you use to requisition thepart?1.NAVSUP Form 1250-12.DD Form 13483.DD Form 1348-64.DD Form 1149REVIEW QUESTIONSURGENCY OF NEED DESIGNATORA (Unable to perform)B (Performance impaired)C (Routine)TABLE RELATING F/AD AND UND TO PRIORITY DESIGNATORSF/ADPRIORITY DESIGNATORI010411II020512III030613IV070914V081015MRP3f0714Figure 7-14. Table for determining a priority designator.UNDDEFINITIONA1. Requirement is immediate.2. Without the material needed, theactivity is unable to perform one ormore of its primary missions.3. The condition noted in definition 2has been reported by establishedcasualty reporting (CASREP)procedures (explained later).B1. Requirement is immediate orknown to be required in theimmediate future.2. The activity’s ability to perform oneor more of its primary missions willbe impaired until the material isreceived.C1. Requirement is routine.
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