cancelled and the money reclaimed. The supplydepartment allows you to review their materialoutstanding file to compare it with your knownvalid requirements. You should advise supplypersonnel of those items required, those received,and those to be cancelled. After that, supplypersonnel will reconcile their records and takesteps as necessary to cancel, complete, orfollow-up on your requisitions.Your role as a CPO is critical, for you knowthe requirements of the work center and can bestdetermine requisition validity. Close cooperationwith supply department personnel is necessary toensure the accuracy of the MOV procedure. Yourleading Storekeeper is best qualified to advise youof time schedules and local procedures.PRIORITIESYou should already know how to identifymaterials, fill out requisition forms, and submitthem to the supply department. The departmenthead is responsible for the assignment of prioritydesignators to these requisitions. Prioritydesignators are assigned according to theUniform Material Movement and Issue PrioritySystem (UMMIPS), which carefully defines thedetermining factors. The system places theresponsibility directly on the commanding officerof the requesting activity for the integrity of thepriorities assigned; however, the commandingofficer usually delegates this authority to thesupply officer. This system should make theassignment of inflated priorities rare and ensurea feasible priority system.Two factors determine which of the 15available priorities will be assigned to eachrequisition—the military importance of theactivity and the urgency of the requirement. Eachship or activity is assigned a force/activitydesignator (F/AD), which indicates its militaryimportance relative to other ships and activities.This assignment is made by higher authority (typecommander, fleet commander, and so on). Thedepartment head is responsible for assigning thecorrect urgency of need designator (UND) to eachmaterial request. By using the F/AD and theUND, the supply department is able to assign theproper priority designator.Table 4-1 lists the F/ADs (shown in Romannumerals) across the column heads and thealphabetical UNDS in the first column. TheRoman numerals represent categories of activitiesin descending order of military importance,ranging from the combat forces under I to themiscellaneous activities under V.The letters in the first column of table 4-1represent different degrees of urgency in descendingorder of need, from an unable to perform status(A) to routine stock replenishment (C). The urgencycategory is selected by the requesting activity. Itindicates relative urgency of need for a require-ment by a force or an activity.Categories of each alphabetical designator aredefined in the following paragraphs. Only generalcategories are covered. A complete listing maybefound in Uniform Material Movement and IssuePriority System (UMMIPS), O P N A V I N ST4614.1F. In each case, the alphabetical designatorpreceding the category refers to the applicableUND column heading shown in table 4-1.UNDCATEGORIESAThe activity or unit is unable to performits mission. The equipment or part isneeded immediately.BRepair parts or equipment is requiredimmediately. Ship operation is impairedwithout it.Stock replenishment requirements ofmission-essential material in fleet ballisticmissile (FBM) submarine tenders arebelow the safety level and are expected toreach a zero balance before receipt of thematerial.COSAL-allowed reactor components,equipment, tools, and other materials arerequired to support reactor plant systems.CStock replenishment and normal supplyrequirements are routine. Material is re-quired to meet scheduled deployment.NOTE: Additional urgency of need designators(UND) may be found in Afloat Supply Pro-cedures, NAVSUP P-485.RECEIVING AND INSPECTINGBefore accepting material purchased fromcommercial sources, naval activities inspect thematerial to ensure that it conforms to thespecifications included in the purchase documents.The receiving supply officer inspects the materialfor quality and quantity before payment is made.4-13
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