Investigate matters affecting the discipline andconduct of the crew and makes recommen-dations concerning these matters to thecommanding officer.Approve or disapprove liberty lists and leaverequests.Inspect the ship and receive readiness reportsfrom the various department heads when the shipis cleared for action; then report to the CO whenthe ship is ready for action.If the captain is disabled during battle, the XOnormally becomes the acting commanding officer. Forthis reason, the location of the XO’s battle station(determined by the captain) is some distance from thecaptain’s. This prevents disablement of both officers atthe same time.After a battle, the executive officer makes a detailedreport to the commanding officer.If the XO cannot fulfill the duties of thecommanding officer, normally, the next senior lineofficer assigned to the ship assumes the duties of thecommanding officer.Depending on the size of the ship, the executiveofficer may have one or more assistants. Some of theseassistants and their responsibilities are as follows:Personnel officer. The personnel officer assignspersonnel to the various departments, berthingarrangements, and to the task of maintaining enlistedservice records.Training officer. The training officer securesschool quotas, schedules orientation courses for newlyreporting personnel, and helps prepare long- andshort-range training schedules.Educational services officer (ESO). Theeducational services officer (ESO) receipts for,maintains, and distributes educational courses andtraining aids.Drug and alcohol program advisor (DAPA). Thedrug and alcohol program advisor (DAPA) advises theCO and XO on all matters concerning the Navy’s Drugand Alcohol Abuse Program. The DAPA providesonboard education, prevention, screening, commandcounseling, aftercare, probationary supervision,motivational training, and referral services.Command master chief (CM/C). While servingas one of the XO’s assistants, the CM/C has directaccess to the CO and is the voice of all enlistedpersonnel.In addition to these assistants, the executive officermay also have a legal officer, combat cargo officer,safety officer, and others as required. Themaster-at-arms force also works directly under theexecutive officer.DEPARTMENT HEADAs the representative of the commanding officer,the department head is responsible for and reports to theCO about all matters that affect the department. Thatincludes administrative matters, the operationalreadiness of the department, and the general conditionof equipment.DIVISION OFFICERThe division is the basic unit of the shipboardorganization. The CO assigns division officers tocommand the divisions of the ship’s organization.Division officers are responsible to and, in general, actas assistants to department heads.The number of divisions in a department variesamong ships, with each division having only a fewassigned personnel to as many as 200 personnel. Thedivision officer is a major link in your chain ofcommand, particularly in a small ship. At the workinglevel, the division officer carries out command policiesand personally sees that division tasks are completed ina timely manner. Some of the division officer’s dutiesinclude—Making frequent inspections of divisionpersonnel, spaces, equipment, and suppliesMaintaining copies of all division orders andbills and displaying them in a conspicuous placeTraining division personnel and preparing themfor battle6-10Student Notes:
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