Master Repairable Item ListThe Navy’s Master Repairable Item List (MRIL) isprovided to identify Navy-managed mandatory turn-inrepairable items. It also provides shipping instructionsfor unserviceable repairables that must be turned in to adesignated repair facility.T h e M R I L c o n s i s t s o f t wo b a s i c p a r t s :Part I—Listing of Items and Part II—ShippingAddresses. Part I (fig. 7-6) lists all repairables that areno longer serviceable and gives dispositioninstructions. Usually, unserviceable components areshipped to a designated repair facility or collectionpoint. The repairables are listed in sequence by thelast 9 characters of their 13-character NSN or NICN.7-7COLUMN TITLE DATA PRINTEDMATERIAL CONTROL CODE(MANAGEMENT)A code used to indicate a reporting segment,interchangeability grouping, specialized distribution channel,and so forth, as applied to the NSN for logistic managementpurposes (This code is the special material identificationcode [SMIC].)ISSUE REPAIR AND/ORREQUISITION RESTRICTIONCODEA code that indicates restrictions on issuing or instructionsfor requisitioning, item repair/overhaul, turn-in, exchange, ordisposalSPECIAL MATERIAL CONTENTCODEA code indicating that an item represents or containspeculiar material requiring special treatment, precautions, ormanagement controlDEMILITARIZATION CODEA code indicating the degree of demilitarization required andindicating when demilitarization is not required or whendemilitarization requirement has been determined by theinventory control point (ICP)ITEM NAMEThe approved name of the item as established by thefederal catalog system (The length of an item name hasbeen restricted to its first 19 characters because of spacelimitations.)PHRASE CODEA code assigned to a phrase used in the management list todenote changes or relationships between NSNs andreference data; for example, technical document numberand qualitative expressionsPHRASE STATEMENTA series of phrases to denote changes or relationshipsbetween NSNs and information-type dataTable 7-1. ML-N Contents (continued)55599556556-012-001556-1137556-1182556-2332556-35-1246FW160P2556-3541556-3541-16298324161166654685946859468590135146859468592222222224320-00-057-07823030-00-269-96695950-00-237-72375841-00-323-07475365-00-323-07495305-00-433-92733020-00-967-46075365-00-514-03635365-00-200-5226REF. NO. FSCM RNVC NSNMCRL PART IMRP3f0704Figure 7-4. Master Cross-Reference List (MCRL), Part I.
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