United States. The NCB codes currently assigned toeach NATO aligned country are found in the AfloatSupply Procedures, NAVSUP P-485.Navy Item Control NumbersItems of material not included in the federalcatalog system but stocked or monitored in the Navysupply system are identified by Navy item controlnumbers (NICNs). NICNs are 13-character itemidentification numbers used for permanent ortemporary control of selected non-NSN items. AnNICN consists of four numerals in the first fourpositions. The next two positions consist of an alphacode (NICN code) that identifies the type of NICN.Finally there are seven digits or alphanumericcharacters that, in conjunction with the NICN code,uniquely identify each NICN item in the Navy supplysystem. Some examples of NICNs and their codes areas follows. Other NICNs may be found in NAVSUPP-485.Local Item Control NumbersLocal item control numbers (formerly called localstock numbers) may be assigned by local supplyactivities for consumable items not identified by anNSN, a NATO stock number, or an NICN. A local itemnumber also consists of 13 characters. The first fourcharacters are numerals that correspond to the FSC ofsimilar NSN items, the fifth and sixth (NCB code area)are LL, and the remaining seven are all numerals. Forexample:Locally assigned item control numbers areauthorized for local use only (that is, for shipboardstock records, locator records, bin tags, issuedocuments, etc.). The numbers are not to be used inrequisitions because they would be meaningless withinthe supply system.COGNIZANCE SYMBOLSA cognizance (cog) symbol is a two-character,alphanumeric code (for example, 1H, 2T, 6T, and 9Z).This symbol identifies and designates the cognizantinventory manager who exercises supply managementover specific categories of material. Although not partof the stock number, the cognizance symbol may beprefixed to the stock number in some supplypublications and allowance listings (for example, 2T1350-00-123-4567). However, the cognizance symbolis not prefixed to the stock number on supplydocuments, forms, or records.The first numeric character of the cognizancesymbol denotes the stores account of the item. Briefly,the numerical characters indicate the following:1, 3, 5, 7Material is held in the Navy stock account(NSA). When this material is issued, itmust be paid for by the requisitioner.9Material purchased by the defense stockfund and held in the NSA account. Whenthis material is issued, it must be paid forby the requisitioner.7-3NICN NICNCODEAPPLICATION0108-LF-504-2201 LFCog I stocknumber for forms1234-LK-YA1-2345LKAircraft change kitnumbers0530-LP-485-0000LPCogs OI and OPstock numbers forpublicationsQ1.How many digits in the NSN designate theFSC? is the most common number used toidentify material?1.Navy item control number2.Local item control number3.National stock number4.NATO stock numberREVIEW QUESTIONS
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