training immediately following morning quartersor after the noon meal. All GMT should be givenat a time when experienced personnel will beavailable to give the necessary training. GMT willat times require persons from outside yourdivision.ENTER ALL TRAINING IN EACHMEMBER’S TRAINING RECORDAnother very important part of a TPO’s jobis to enter the training lecture in each member’straining record. The TPO should be the onlyperson making entries in the training records.Figure 4-7 illustrates an individual training recordform that is used in each member’s training recordto document training.PRESENTING PERSONNEL FORQUARTERS, INSPECTIONS, ANDCEREMONIESAs LPO, you may be required to formyour division for inspections, command cere-monies, and at morning quarters. You shouldknow the proper procedures and commandsto form your division. You may also needto march the division from one place toanother.You probably remember most of the drillingmovements from boot camp. However, as arefresher you should review close-order drill inMilitary Requirements for Petty Officer ThirdClass, NAVEDTRA 12044.QUARTERSDepending upon the type of ship and itsoperating schedule, quarters for muster andinspection are held each workday before 0800.Regular divisional quarters may be held for thefollowing occasions:Fair weather paradeFoul weather paradePersonnel inspectionsMustering on stationThe following procedures are followed fordivisional quarters.Fair Weather ParadeThe boatswain’s mate of the watch announcesover the 1MC, ALL HANDS TO QUARTERSFOR MUSTER, INSTRUCTION, AND INSPEC-TION. All hands then fall in ranks at attention.As the division LPO, you should conduct animmediate muster, fill out the muster report, andhave it delivered to the division officer beforeofficers’ call. During the time the division officeris attending officers’ call, you can read the planof the day. Upon return of the division officer,call the division to attention for instruction andinspection. Divisions are inspected daily by thedivision officer, department head, or executiveofficer. On completion of quarters, the divisionofficer commands, Division, LEAVE YOURQUARTERS. All hands then salute and leavequarters.Foul Weather ParadeThe procedures prescribed above are the samefor foul weather parade, except that a protectedarea is designated for quarters.Personnel InspectionsThe procedure for personnel inspections is thesame as for regular divisional quarters at fair orfoul weather parade.General AssemblyQUARTERS FOR ASSEMBLY is orderedwhen the crew is addressed as a unit. The crewis paraded following unit instructions. The crewshould be called to attention at the approach anddeparture of the captain.Locker and Seabag InspectionAs the division LPO, you maybe required toconduct locker and seabag inspections for thedivision officer. U.S. Navy Uniform Regulationsstates:Commanding officers shall require theclothing of all nonrated personnel to beinspected by division officers at regularintervals to ensure that each personpossesses his prescribed outfit. Clothing ofpetty officers may be inspected on anindividual basis, if appropriate.4-22
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