To be eligible for appointment, applicantsmust meet the following requirements:Be a U.S. citizenBe serving on active duty as a CPO, anSCPO, or an MCPO in the Regular Navy, NavalReserve, or Training and Administration ofReserves (TAR) program at the time of applica-tionBe physically qualified for appointment aswarrant officerBe a high school graduate or possess theservice-accepted equivalentHave no record of conviction by court-martial or of conviction by civil court for anyoffenses other than minor traffic violations for2 years preceding the date of 16 January of theyear of applicationBe recommended by their commandingofficerMust have completed at least 12 years, butnot more than 24 years, of active service on 16January of the year in which application is madeNAVMILPERSCOMINST 1131.1A spells outthe application procedures for active and inactiveduty personnel for the Chief Warrant OfficerProgram.CHIEF WARRANT OFFICERPHYSICIAN’S ASSISTANTPROGRAMThe Navy uses the Commissioned WarrantOfficer Physician’s Assistant Program to supplynonphysician primary health care providers whoare trained to act as physician extenders in theNavy health care system. Physician’s assistantsare technical officer specialists with the academicand practical training to provide primary patientcare services under the supervision of a physician.Their duties require extensive knowledge of aspecific occupational field, are technicallyoriented, and are repetitive in nature.The training program takes 60 weeks andconsists of dietetic training and clinical rotations.Physician’s assistants retain their permanentenlisted paygrade while enrolled in the trainingprogram. Upon completion, each physicallyqualified selectee will be commissioned in thegrade of CWO (W-2).Enlisted Hospital Corpsmen in the RegularNavy, Naval Reserve on active duty, and TARprogram may apply. You must be a CPO withbetween 12 and 24 years of active naval serviceby the date of commissioning and be a graduateof Advanced Hospital Corps School (NEC 8425),Medical Services Technician School, or NuclearSubmarine Medicine Technician School (NEC8402). An annual NAVMILPERSCOM noticewill solicit applications and announce applicationdeadlines for the in-service procurement board.THE LIMITED DUTY OFFICERPROGRAMThe LDO Program provides a path ofadvancement for PO1 through SCPO and CWOto commissioning as a temporary ensign orlieutenant junior grade (as applicable) in theRegular Navy or Naval Reserve.The applicant must meet the followingeligibility requirements to apply for the LDOProgram:Be a U.S. citizen.Be serving on active duty in the RegularNavy, Naval Reserve, or TAR program at the timeof application. If selected, personnel must remainon active duty until appointment is tendered.Be physically qualified for appointment toLDO.Be a high school graduate or possess theservice-accepted equivalent.Have no record of conviction by court-martial or of conviction by civil court for anyoffense other than minor traffic violations for 2years preceding 16 January of the year in whichapplication is made.Be recommended by the commandingofficer.Be serving as a petty officer first class orCPO/SCPO on 16 January of the year in whichapplication is made. If a PO1, the applicant musthave served in that capacity for at least 1 year asof 16 January of the year in which applicationis made.4-18
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