Human Behavior, NAVEDTRA 80058Watch Officer, NAVEDTRA 10719-CFinancial Management in the Navy,NAVEDTRA 10732-E2Equal Opportunity in the Navy, NAVEDTRA13099-DSeamanship, NAVEDTRA 10923-D1Shiphandling, NAVEDTRA 10738-B1Career Information Program Management,NAVEDTRA 10238-AIntroduction to the Department of the NavyInformation and Personnel Security Program,NAVEDTRA 13080Naval Safety Supervisor, NAVEDTRA10808-2Standard Organization and Regulations of theU.S. Navy, NAVEDTRA 10427-CCWOCorrespondenceCoursesTwo specialist courses in areas of concentra-tion, such as the following:Principles of Naval Engineering, Parts I andII (Engineering or Repair Tech)Areas of study that will develop increasedexpertise in occupational fieldLDOCorrespondenceCoursesManagement-related courses in area ofconcentration, such as the following:Engineering AdministrationOperations OfficerAviation Maintenance and Administra-tionCommunications Officer, Parts I and IISupply Afloat or Supply AshoreAreas of study that will develop increasedexpertise in occupational fieldAdditional Measures of Preparationfor Officer ProgramsReading of Navy RegulationsReading of the Watch Officer’s GuideReading of the Handbook on PersonnelQualifications StandardsCompletion of the formal 3-M Systems coursefor managersCompletion of the formal areas of study thatwill develop increased expertise in youroccupational fieldThese recommended correspondence coursesshould be selected as appropriate. Also, sinceCWO and LDO programs do not require a collegedegree, every CWO and LDO candidate shouldcomplete as many Navy nonresident trainingcourses as possible. Some courses may not bereadily available.TRAINING PETTY OFFICERThe training petty officer (TPO), one of themost important petty officers in a work center,is the backbone for all divisional personnelqualification programs. The TPO ensures trainingof personnel to operate and maintain theirequipment and related systems. This is the primefactor affecting the operational readiness andperformance of the command. Significant impor-tance to readiness are operator and maintenancepersonnel, in rate and Navy enlisted classificationcode (NEC) training, watch station qualification,and maintaining watch station proficiency. TPOsadminister training within the division byplanning, developing, and coordinating thedivision training program to include generalmilitary training (GMT), individual watch stationqualification, and operator and team proficiencyin subsystems.TRAINING SCHEDULETPOs develop annual, monthly, and weeklytraining schedules to help implement dailytraining. All training is recorded when held andentered in divisional training records, PQS books,PQS charts, and source records. Training shouldnot conflict with daily work schedules and shouldbe scheduled so that all personnel are present fortraining.SCHEDULE TRAINING EVENTSAND LECTURESGreat care and thought should go into draftinga training schedule. Schedules should be made outusing times that will not conflict with yourscheduled work assignments. Most TPOs schedule4-21
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