MEDICAL SERVICE CORPSSenior Hospital Corpsmen (HM) and DentalTechnicians (DT) who possess the necessaryqualifications and motivation have an opportunityto compete for commissions in the Medical ServiceCorps. Programs leading to Regular and Reservecommissions are available to PO1 through MCPOHMs and DTs and to other Navy members withcollege degrees in medical fields.ENLISTED COMMISSIONINGPROGRAMThe Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP)is open to all male and female U.S. citizens onactive duty. It provides a full-time opportunityfor the completion of a baccalaureate degreeleading to an appointment in the unrestricted lineof the Regular Navy as an ensign. Degrees mustbe in a discipline that has direct application to theunrestricted line community. Before detachmentfrom their present command, ECP selectees willhave a 6-year active service obligation. Selecteesreceive full pay and allowances but must pay alleducation expenses. Following degree completion,candidates are ordered to Officer CandidateSchool (OCS) or Aviation Officer CandidateSchool (AOCS). Upon completion of OCS orAOCS, a minimum of 4 years’ active com-missioned service is required.To be eligible, applicants must meet thefollowing requirements:Be a U.S. citizen.Be an enlisted member of the Navy orNaval Reserve on active duty and have completedat least 4 years, but not more than 11 years, ofactive service as of 1 September of the year ofenrollment.Have completed sufficient undergraduatecourse work to complete requirements for anontechnical degree in 30 months or a technicaldegree in 36 months.Be at least 22 years of age, able to completedegree requirements, and commissioned before33rd birthday.Have a cumulative grade point average of2.5 or better on a 4.0 scale based on grades ofall courses taken.Have a minimum SAT score of 430 verbal/520math or a minimum ACT score of 19 English/24math.Meet physical standards for officercandidates.Have no record of conviction by courts-martial, nonjudicial punishment, or civil court forother than minor traffic violations during thepreceding 2 years. Have no record of a felonyconviction, regardless of the date, or any recordof drug abuse while in an enlisted status.Be recommended by the commandingofficer.OFFICER CANDIDATE SCHOOLThe OCS program provides 16 weeks ofofficer indoctrination training for enlistedpersonnel who possess a baccalaureate degree orhigher. Upon graduation the candidate will becommissioned as an ensign USNR.To be eligible, applicants must meet thefollowing requirements:Be an enlisted person in any rating orpaygrade.Meet age requirements. Beat least 19 yearsold and not have passed their 29th birthday bycommissioning date. This age limit is extended forprior active service personnel on a month-to-month basis for up to 24 months.Be entitled to an honorable discharge andhave 6 months of obligated service remaining oncurrent enlistment.For further information on OCS, consultOPNAVINST 1120.2A.RECOMMENDED CORRESPONDENCECOURSESThe following common correspondencecourses are recommended (as appropriate) as youprepare for commissioning programs:Correspondence Courses Common To AnyOfficer ProgramNavy Regulations, NAVEDTRA 13082Naval Orientation, NAVEDTRA 129664-20
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