Locker and seabag inspections are held forwithin the division. The presentation of yourseveral reasons. One reason is that living spacesaboard ship are limited. Some of our youngerpeople have never learned to keep their personalgear in order. They must learn to stow theirlockers neatly and keep possessions to aminimum. If they are allowed to live in adisorganized manner, gear will be left adrift andmay be stolen. Your people receive a clothingallowance, so there is no reason they cannotmaintain a full regulation seabag. All clothingshould be properly marked to discourage illegal“borrowing.” Your division will present a muchbetter appearance at quarters if all hands are inproperly marked regulation uniforms, U.S. NavyUniform Regulations, NAVPERS 15665G, listsall required seabag items and correct markingprocedures.SUMMARYProfessional responsibilities are the same asthose of senior petty officers in every rating. Youradvancement to petty officer first class will be asignificant milestone in your naval career. Youwill now plan and supervise the work and teachnew skills. You are responsible for keeping abreastof the latest information concerning educationaland career opportunities so that you can share thisinformation with your junior personnel. Yourpeople will look to you for guidance whenconsidering the Navy as a career. Your credibilityis on the line each time you answer a question somake sure you have the correct information.In this chapter we briefly presented yourresponsibilities toward your personnel includingpersonnel awarded EMI, extension of workinghours, and the withholding of privileges. Wediscussed watch organization including the WQSbill. PQS programs were discussed and advance-ment requirements explained to you. You knowhow to properly screen enlisted service records andunderstand the importance of the record. Youshould know the application procedures for LDOand CWO within the naval structure. Wediscussed the importance of the TPO and trainingdivision for quarters, inspections, and ceremonieswere presented. As a senior petty officer, youshould know these responsibilities so that you canprovide accurate information to your personnel.REFERENCESPersonnelman 3 & 2, NAVEDTRA 10254-D1,Naval Education and Training ProgramManagement Support Activity, Pensacola,Fla., 1987.SCUTTLEBUTTThe origin of the word scuttlebutt, which isnautical parlance for a rumor, comes from acombination of “scuttle,” to make a hole in theship’s side causing her to sink, and “butt,” a caskor hogshead used in the days of wooden ships tohold drinking water; thus the term scuttlebuttmeans a cask with a hole in it. “Scuttle” describeswhat most rumors accomplish if not to the ship,at least to morale. “Butt” describes the water caskwhere men naturally congregated, and that’swhere most rumors get started. The terms galleyyarn and messdeck intelligencealso mean thespreading of rumors and many, of course, starton the messdeck.4-24
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