principles involved also apply to watchesashore.PERFORMANCE OF DUTY ONWATCHThe following instructions paraphrase theStandard Organization and Regulations of theU.S. Navy (SORN), OPNAVINST3120.32B. TheSORN should be used as a general guide forstandards met by all watch standers, As a watchstander, you are responsible for the following: performance of all duties prescribedor your watch. All persons in your chargewill be subject to your orders.Remain responsible for your watch andremain on station until properly relieved.You should require the same of all personson watch with you. You should instruct themas necessary in the performance of theirduties. Ensure that they are at their stationsand are attentive, alert, and ready for duty.You should train yourself and your subor-dinates to foresee situations that may ariseand take corrective actions as required.Conduct yourself in a smart and militarymanner at all times.Use phraseology that is customary to navalpersonnel when issuing orders and makingreports.Demand of yourself and others formalityin all relationships while on watch.Promptly inform appropriate persons ofmatters concerning your watch so they canproperly perform their duties.Make all required inspections and anyadditional inspections necessary to ensurethat the duties of the watch are properlyperformed.PREPARATION FOR THE WATCHThere is a good deal of preparation requiredbefore the OOD assumes a deck watch in port.As a matter of routine, the relieving OOD shouldreview the Plan of the Day and local commandinstructions. This includes those of the seniorofficer present afloat (SOPA); and unit policyconcerning existing or special situations.Generally, all basic information needed by theOOD is contained in a folder that is kept on thequarterdeck.Some of the most important aspects of thewatch that the in-port OOD should consider arelisted below. Based on the experience of the OODor under special circumstances, the OOD shouldalso consider other aspects not listed below. in use and scope of chainDepth of water and type of bottomLines in use, if alongsideAnchorage bearings, if at anchorWeather conditions expected andpreparations for themState of tideBoiler and auxiliaries in useSOPA and other ships presentLocation of the flag officer (if any),captain, executive officer, and depart-ment headsSenior officer aboard and senior dutyofficerNumber of boats in the water, theirlocations, and boat officers availableAbsentees, prisoners, and duty listsGeneral appearance of the shipOrders for the day and special ordersLiberty sections, time liberty expires,and approximate number of personnelashoreGuard shipsStatus of planes, if anyWork or drills in progress or scheduledVisitors on board or expected and anyorders concerning themWorkers or other authorized civilians onboardIf at night, designated ready lifeboat andany morning orders for the anchor watchBoat scheduleSETTING THE WATCHSetting the watch occurs with a change ofwatch conditions within the ship. A watch is setupon getting underway, mooring, and changingthe conditions of readiness. Personnel assignedto watch stations are responsible for setting thewatch and for making the watch station ready tofunction as rapidly as possible. They are alsoresponsible for ensuring that necessary equipment,material, and personnel are on station.RELIEVING THE WATCHRelieving the watch is a controlled and precisefunction. Experience has shown that the ability5-2
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