board for 6 months and then destroyed. All entries inthe ship’s deck log are made in black ink with a ball-point pen. All remarks should be neat and legible.Only standard Navy phraseology should be used.No erasures are permitted in the deck log. If youmake a mistake, draw a single line through theoriginal entry (so that it remains legible). Insert thecorrect entry in such a manner as to ensure clarityand legibility, and place your initials in the margin.Corrections, additions, or changes are made only bythe person required to sign the record for the watch.Figures 5-2 and 5-3SHIP’S DECK LOG • TITLE PAGEIF CLASSIFIED STAMPOPNAV 3100/98 (Rev 7-84) S/N 0107•LF-031-0498 SECURITY MARKING HEREFOR OFFICIAL USE ONLYSHIP’S DECK LOGOF THEU.S.S.(hull number)DIVISIONSQUADRONATTACHED TOGROUPFLEETCOMMENCING ,19(zone time and date)AT(location)ENDING ,19(zone time and date)AT(location)EXAMINED ANDCERTIFIED TO BE CORRECT(name, grade and signature) NAVIGATORAPPROVED BY(name, grade and signature) COMMANDINGTO BE COMPLETED FOLLOWING CHANGE OF COMMANDDATE OF CHANGEOF COMMANDAPPROVED BYname, grade and signature of Relieving Commanding Officer) COMMANDINGFORWARD DIRECT TO THE CHIEF OF NAVAL OPERATIONS AT THE END OF EACH MONTHREPORT SYMBOLIF CLASSIFED STAMP REVIEW/DECLASSIFICATION DATE HEREIF CLASSIFIED STAMPOPNAV 3100 • 10SECURITY MARKING HEREFigure 5-2.—Ship’s Deck Log.5-7{
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