2. Other members of the watch as the in-portOOD directs.DUTIES, RESPONSIBILITIES, ANDAUTHORITY OF THE JOODAs the JOOD, you are responsible to theOOD, and duties may vary from ship to ship andstation to station. The JOOD has the followingduties and responsibilities as outlined in theSORN:(1) Be in charge of the crew’s brow organgway.(2) Maintain a properly posted and alertwatch at the brow or gangway.(3) Ensure that all personnel leaving the unithave the authority to leave and are properlyattired.(4) Maintain a record of all personneldeparting or returning from leave.(5) Keep the OOD (in port) informed of anyactions and decisions.(6) Perform other duties as the OOD (in port)directs.Commanding officers are responsible forthe control of visitors to their commandsand shall comply with the relevantprovisions of the Information andPersonnel Security Program Regulation,OPNAVINST 5510.1H, and otherpertinent directives.— United States NavyRegulationsSHIP’S SECURITYOne of the primary responsibilities of theOOD and the watch is to ensure the security andsafety of the ship. In port a ship can be threatenedin many ways. Threats to the ship may be natural,in the form of storms, or accidental, in the caseof fire or collision. A ship may also be threatenedfrom an almost limitless range of deliberatehuman actions.The security of the ship is the responsibilityof all hands. Everyone aboard ship should beaware of security and be alert for any signs ofdanger. The security of the ship is alwaysparamount and should be of constant concern tothe in-port OOD. No matter how quiet anduneventful a watch may seem to be, the OODshould never allow security of the ship to berelaxed.VISITOR CONTROLAll Navy ships are required to have a generalvisiting bill, which provides for the control,identification, and supervision of visitors. AVISITOR is any person who is not a member ofthe unit’s company or is not a member of a staffusing a ship as a flagship.Casual VisitingCASUAL VISITING refers to visits on boardby individuals or specific groups, as differentiatedfrom the general public. In general, casual visitsshould be approved in advance by thecommanding officer. Persons included in suchvisits include specifically invited guests, membersof the U.S. Armed Forces, close relatives of theunit’s personnel, and other persons on legitimatebusiness.General VisitingGENERAL VISITING refers to specificallyauthorized occasions when the unit acts as hostto the general public, which will normally beconducted between the hours of 1300 and 1600.An important point to keep in mind when visitorsare aboard is that visiting is done on anunclassified basis. This means that no classifiedareas or information should be shown or givento the general public. The visiting bill shows theareas that are open for general visiting anddescribes the safeguards that must be observed.Any visitor who is authorized access toclassified information should present adequateidentification at the time of the visit. In briefingescorts, the OOD should ensure they understandwhat spaces are not open to visitors. The OODshould ensure access to spaces containingclassified or sensitive equipment is denied, unlesssuch equipment has been concealed or adequatelyprotected. Personnel from each departmentshould be detailed to act as guides to conducttours. One person should be assigned to eachgroup of visitors (15 people per group). Sentriesshould be stationed to assist visitors and to keepthem from tampering with equipment.5-10
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