One-half hour before the scheduled com-mencement of general visiting, sentries and guidesshould be mustered, inspected, and instructed bythe chief master-at-arms. Additional messengersand qualified swimmers should be stationed atgangways, if necessary, to assist visitors in andout of boats and onto accommodation ladders.The medical officer should provide first-aidpersonnel during general visiting. Visitorsrequiring first aid should be escorted to sick bay.The command duty officer should be notifiedwhenever a visitor is injured or requires first aid.Visitors requiring first aid should be escorted tosick bay. The command duty officer should benotified whenever a visitor is injured or requiresfirst aid. Personnel should be detailed to maintaina count of general visitors coming aboard andleaving the ship. At the conclusion of visitinghours, a search of the ship should be made toensure all visitors have departed.The general visitor bill is based on the probablepresence of foreign agents among the visitors. Youshould be on the alert for any visitor whoexpresses an unusual interest in unauthorizedinformation. You should also be suspicious of anyvisitor who expresses feelings that are hostile,unfriendly, or not in the best interest of the UnitedStates. All suspicious actions should be reportedimmediately to the security officer or securitymanager or, if necessary, directly to thecommanding officer.Visitors with a legitimate reason to board theship should be received politely. Every visitorcoming on board, including those in uniform oron official business, should present properidentification at the time of each visit.Entertaining GuestsOfficers are permitted to have personal guestsduring visiting hours, between the hours of 1600and 2200 daily, and at other times with theapproval of the executive officer. The guestsshould be escorted at all times, and it is theindividual officer’s responsibility to ensure theyare not shown spaces that might embarrasspersonnel attached or endanger the securityclassification of any material on board.Chief petty officers are permitted to entertainguests in their messroom and lounge after 1100and until the expiration of visiting hours onSundays and during general visiting. Guestsshould be escorted by the OOD messenger fromthe quarterdeck to the CPO messroom if notaccompanied by a chief. Guests are not permittedin any part of the CPO quarters.Enlisted members may entertain members oftheir families in the crews’ lounge and messingspaces when general visiting is permitted. Theyare not permitted in other areas of the ship exceptthose authorized for general visiting. Enlistedmembers may, with permission of the OOD,entertain guests in designated areas outside ofworking hours and at times other than generalvisiting hours.Visits by Foreign NationalsUnclassified controlled visits by foreignnationals may be authorized by the commandingofficer, subject to local restrictions established byhigher authority. Classified visits should beauthorized by the CNO, and then only with theapproval of the commanding officer. Whenforeign nationals are approved for visiting, theyshould be constantly escorted and only allowedto visit those parts of the ship specificallyauthorized.VISITORS WITH AND WITHOUTVISIT CLEARANCEVisits by individuals who have access toclassified information should be preceded byapproval of the visit request by the commandingofficer unless a day-to-day working relationshiphas been established and the visitor’s clearancestatus is personally known to members of the unit.Shipyard personnel are allowed on boardduring assigned availabilities without receivingduty officer approval provided an authorizedaccess list is available and appropriateidentification is presented and checked against theaccess list. At all other times, the visit clearanceprocedures should be followed.The number of uncleared visitors allowed onboard should be held to a minimum. When onboard, uncleared visitors should be constantlyescorted by a member of the unit. The followinguncleared visitors are authorized to visit afterapproval of the duty officer:1. Close relatives of unit personnel.2. Service personnel of the U.S. ArmedForces desiring to visit the unit on a not-to-interfere basis. Such personnel shouldbe accompanied by a member of the unit.3. Any exceptions to the preceding should beapproved in advance by the commandingofficer or executive officer. Should the dutyofficer be unable to obtain this authorization5-11
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