Preparing, Maintaining and Submitting the Ship’sDeck Log, OPNAVINST 3100.7B, Office ofthe Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,D.C., 1986.Standard Organization and Regulations of theU.S. Navy, OPNAVINST 3120.32B, Office ofthe Chief of Naval Operations, Washington,D. C., 1986.United States Navy Regulations, 1990, Office ofthe Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C.,1990.DOG WATCHDog watch is the name given to the 1600-1800and the 1800-2000 watches aboard ship. The1600-2000 4-hour watch was originally split toprevent men from always having to stand the samewatches daily. As a result, sailors dodge the samedaily routine, hence they are dodging the watchor standing the dodge watch.In its corrupted form, dodge became dog andprocedure is referred to as “dogging the watch”or standing the “dog watch.”5-15
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