in advance and further believes that the bestinterest of the Navy or unit would be served bypermitting a certain visit, approval may begranted. However, the duty officer should notifythe commanding officer of the circumstances assoon as practical.NOTE: UNCLEARED VISITORS MAYNOT ENTER NUCLEAR ENGINEERINGSPACES OR ANY OTHER LIMITED OREXCLUSION AREA.SECURITY FROM UNAUTHORIZEDVISITORSSituations could occur in which an un-authorized person (such as a commercial agent,occupant of a pleasure boat, or a member of anonmilitary organization) would attempt to boardthe unit for various reasons, including mischief,revelry, or political purposes. Such boardingsshould be prevented, and steps should be takento deal with the offender(s). In a U.S. port,violators should be taken into custody andimmediately delivered to federal law enforcementofficers. In a foreign port you should immediatelynotify local law enforcement agencies of anywillful or attempted violation of security orders.Violators should NOT be taken into custodyunless it is necessary to maintain the unit’s safetyand security.SECURITY WATCHES IN U.S. ANDFOREIGN PORTSThe unit’s security watch bill is designed toprovide the maximum security of the unitconsistent with the performance of assignedmissions and routine functions. You shouldalways be alert to detect personnel attempting toboard other than at the brows, sea ladders, orother normal access areas.When anchored or moored, the ship has thefollowing watches:Command duty officer (CDO)Officer of the deck (OOD)Petty officer of the watch (POOW)Security patrol (SP)Cold iron watch—in engineering spacesnot otherwise occupiedThe following watches are manned if requiredby local conditions:Pier security (if moored to a pier)Forecastle and fantail sentries (continuouswatch in foreign ports; from sunset tosunrise in U.S. ports)Signal watchThe OOD is directly responsible to thecommanding officer for the posting of all securitywatches and sentries. Security is obtained byalertness, position, and mobility. When ships aresecured to piers or moored in crowded harbors,they are particularly vulnerable. Any person whohas reason to believe the ship is in danger ofsabotage should notify the OOD immediately. Thepossibility of floating mines or an attempt toattach limpet mines to the side of the ship isalways present where hostile or subversiveelements exist. If, while standing the OOD, youare required to be armed, the pistol should becarried unloaded. Two loaded clips should becarried in the belt. Pistols should be used only incase of emergencies or when the security of theship is threatened. You should never remove thepistol from the holster except to resist forcefulentry to the ship or to make the inspectionrequired when relieving the watch. The followingsafety precautions should be strictly adhered towhile inspecting the pistol before relieving thewatch:1. Keep the pistol pointed upward to 45° andon a clear bearing during inspection.2. Make sure that the magazine is removed.3. Open the slide and lock it open,4. Visually inspect the breech, chamber, andbarrel.5. Close the slide.6. Lower the hammer to release tension on thehammer spring.Pier Security PatrolPier sentries stand 4-hour watches armed witha rifle. They patrol that portion of the pierbetween the bow and the stern of the ship toprevent unauthorized persons from approachingthe vicinity of the ship. They allow no one toboard or leave except by the brow and to preventloitering on the dock near the ship.5-12
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