Department Head
The department head implements and super-
vises the execution of PQS topics that pertain to
the department. The department head also
qualifies personnel for watch stations and for
equipment/systems operations. The department
head should do the following:
Set standards and monitor the depart-
ments PQS program
Approve watch station qualification and
recommend final qualification to the
commanding officer or approve final
qualification if so designated
Designate in writing those individuals who
serve as qualifiers
Coordinate with division officers, CPOs,
and LPOs the watch station qualifications
and advancement goals of departmental
Approve divisions recommendations for
tailoring PQS standards and standard
Recommend interim qualification of watch
standers, as necessary
Serve as chairman of the departmental
examining board (if such a board is
PQS Coordinator
Another key individual in PQS matters is the
commands PQS coordinator. The PQS coordi-
nator (either an officer or senior petty officer)
should be the focal point for all PQS matters that
transcend the departmental level. The PQS
coordinator is responsible for ordering all
departmental PQS materials. In this latter role,
the coordinator should order and store all-hands
PQS materials, such as general damage-control
and 3-M materials. The PQS coordinator should
be a senior petty officer who is highly interested
in training. In addition, the coordinator should
have sufficient onboard experience to be familiar
with each departments training and qualification
program. The PQS coordinator should perform
the following duties:
Maintain the basic system references
Maintain PQS software (standards, pro-
gress charts, and so forth)
Order sufficient, but not excessive, quanti-
ties of all-hands PQS materials, 3-M
materials, and so forth
Function as the central point for order-
ing all PQS materials
Advise the executive officer and planning
board for training on all PQS matters
Prepare any external PQS reports for the
command when directed by higher autho-
Executive Officer/Training
The executive officer/training officer is
responsible for formulating and administering the
units training program. PQS should be an
important part of that program. The executive
officer/training officer should do the follow-
Act as an overall training supervisor
Maintain and update the units instruction
on PQS and the units notice designating
the qualifiers
Monitor the PQS program through the
PQS coordinator and the planning board
for training and review progress reports/
Reinforce command emphasis on PQS
by linking it to routine administrative
practices, the granting of special requests,
the recommendation for advancement, and
so forth
Commanding Officer
The key ingredient to a successful PQS
program is the personal involvement of the
commanding officer. The commanding