senior petty officer in the PQS approach to
training is extremely important. Qualifiers must
exercise quality control over the PQS program and
serve as a point of reference to assist the trainees
in acquiring the knowledge and skills they could
not gain on their own. To ensure uniformity and
program quality, select and authorize only a
limited number of personnel to verify comple-
tion of portions of the PQS. Those petty officers
authorized to sign qualification items should be
designated in writing.
Work Center Supervisor
The work center supervisor introduces
trainees to the PQS program and recommends
and monitors the goals for each individual. Goals
must be challenging, realistic, and attainable in
a reasonable time frame. The work center
supervisor is the key to ensuring that PQS is
If administered with insight, PQS can be a
helpful tool that can fit into the units overall
training program. The supervisor is responsible
for the accuracy, updating, and tailoring of PQS
to fit the units needs. The supervisor should also
initiate appropriate feedback to the PQS
development group. (Feedback forms are located
in the back of each PQS package. ) Supervisors
should motivate personnel by helping then set
goals, showing interest in their individual efforts,
and following all trainees progress. The
supervisor must be aware of who is and who is
not progressing and who needs counseling or
individual instruction. As the supervisor, you
must be totally familiar with the duties, responsi-
bilities, and assignments of the divisional
qualifiers. The units PQS program cannot be
successful without solid planning and quality
control. The work center supervisor should
perform the following duties:
Supervise work center PQS
Assist designated qualifiers and trainees as
Assign requirements and PQS goals to
individual trainees following departmental
Supervise qualifiers
Make sure a reference library is maintained
Division Officer and Division
Chief Petty Officer
Division officers play a primary role in the
administration of the PQS effort. With the
assistance of the division CPO, the division officer
should assign divisional watch stations, establish
PQS goals, make sure that answers to PQS items
are standardized, monitor PQS progress, and
initiate appropriate service record entries for all
qualifications achieved. Additionally, the division
officer should make reports (monthly is recom-
mended) via the chain of command on the status
of PQS qualification for all division watch
stations. Divisional PQS qualifiers, leading chief
petty officers/petty officers, and key watch
standers in the division assist the division officer
in qualifying division personnel. They do this by
checking and signing qualifications and updating
and maintaining the PQS progress chart. The
division officer/division CPO should do the
Recommend to the department head the
entry level of newly assigned personnel
Recommend to the department head the
assignment of division qualifiers
Monitor the progress of division personnel
toward PQS goals as shown on the
progress charts
Keep the department head informed on the
status of division personnel and adjust
goals when necessary
Integrate PQS status with routine admini-
stration of special request, early liberty
approvals, and so forth
Recommend final qualification to the
department head
Make sure page four service record entries
are made for completed PQS qualifications
Recommend to the department head any
required tailoring of individual PQS
Make sure enlisted evaluations reflect PQS
qualification accomplishments
Maintain divisional training files on each