individuals aboard ship should be instructed in
the action they should take if they see someone
fall overboard. They should also understand what
action they can expect the ship to take to rescue
the person. Frequent drills and instructions in
watch sections are held to ensure the successful
rescue of personnel lost overboard.
When the word is passed that a person has
fallen overboard, you should immediately muster
your division and report it to the division officer,
who reports it to the department head.
Anyone who sights a person overboard should
1. call out, MAN OVERBOARD, PORT
2. notify the OOD in the quickest manner
possible; and
3. if near a life ring or other life saving
equipment, t brow or release the equipment
as near to the person as possible.
CBR Defense Bill
The purpose of the CBR defense bill is to
prescribe procedures and responsibilities for
defensive measures against CBR (or any
combination of the CBR) attack. This bill
describes procedures to minimize the effects of
a CBR attack so that the ships mission can still
be accomplished. The damage control assistant
(DCA) is responsible for administering the bill.
As the division LPO, you should make sure your
personnel know where their battle, ready shelter,
deep shelter, and decontamination stations are
and the routes to them. You will assist the division
officer in CBR training matters and evaluate the
abilities of your personnel in CBR defense
Emergency Destruction Bill
All commands located outside the United
States and its territories, all deployable
commands, and all commands holding Com-
munications Security (COMSEC) material must
have an emergency destruction bill.
Emergency destruction of classified material
is necessary to prevent its capture by an enemy.
Destruction plans call for the highest degree of
individual initiative in preparing for and in
actually commencing the required destruction. All
personnel must realize that in emergencies
subjecting classified material to compromise
through capture, they must start necessary
destruction under the plan without waiting for
specific orders.
The order in which classified material is to be
destroyed under emergency conditions should be
determined in advance and the material so marked
and stored. Classified matter is destroyed in order
of classificationhighest classification first.
Destruction by fire is the traditional method
for all combustible materials. Oil or chemicals
may be used to aid in burning. Classified
equipment must be smashed beyond recognition,
and unclassified equipment should be demolished
beyond repair.
A sufficient number of destruction tools
including sledgehammers, screwdrivers, axes, and
wire cuttersare always kept in equipment spaces
for use in emergency destruction.
The priorities for emergency destruction are
as follows:
1. Priority One. Top Secret material in the
following order: (1) COMSEC material, (2)
special access material, (3) other material
2. Priority Two. Secret material in the follow-
ing order: (1) COMSEC material, (2)
special access material, (3) other material
3. Priority Three. Confidential material in the
following order: (1) COMSEC material, (2)
special access material, (3) other material
The Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS)
Program is a qualification system for personnel
to perform certain duties. A PQS lists the
minimum knowledge and skills required to qualify
for a specific watch station, maintain specific
equipment, or perform as a team member within
a unit. The PQS Program is not a training
program, but it does provide objectives to be met
through training. A PQS is most effective when
it is used as a key element of a well-structured and
dynamic unit training program
The PQS program is established in units
throughout the Navy. It is used by the air, surface
communities, and the Coast Guard. It provides
qualification standards and a method of
recordkeeping for training. PQS use is required
in units to which it is applicable, unless suspended
by fleet commanders in chief. It is not applicable
to nuclear propulsion or the fleet ballistic missile
(FBM) weapons systems.