It may be assigned at a reasonable timeoutside normal working hours, but will not beused to deprive a person of normal liberty. Aperson who is otherwise entitled to liberty maycommence normal liberty upon completion ofEMI.The duration of EMI will be limited to theperiod of time required to correct the trainingdeficiency.It should not be assigned on theindividual’s Sabbath. Only commanding officersand officers in charge have the authority to assignEMI to be performed after working hours.However, this authority may be delegated toofficers and petty officers in connection withduties and responsibilities assigned to them. Theadministration of EMI is monitored by superiorsin the chain of command as part of their super-visory duties.The authority to assign EMI is normally notdelegated below the chief petty officer (CPO)level. However, in exceptional cases in whichqualified petty officers are filling CPO billets inan organizational unit (division, major workcenter, or comparable organization) that containsno CPO, authority may be delegated to a maturesenior petty officer. This authority to assign EMImay be withdrawn from petty officers at any timeby the commanding officer or officer in charge.Withholding of PrivilegesWithholding of privileges is a nonpunitivemeasure, authorized by the Manual for Courts-Martial (MCM), that may be used by superiorsto correct infractions of military regulations orperformance deficiencies. A privilege is a benefitprovided for the convenience or enjoyment of anindividual. Examples of privileges that may bewithheld as nonpunitive measures are specialliberty, exchange of duty, special pay, specialcommand programs, base or ship library use, baseor ship movies, base parking, and base specialservices events.The final authority to withhold a privilege,however temporary, rests with the level ofauthority that grants the privilege. In many cases,the authority of officers and petty officers towithhold privileges is limited to recommendingthat action via the chain of command to theappropriate authority. As a petty officer, you areauthorized and expected to recommend suchaction when necessary to correct minor infractionsand to increase the efficiency of the command.Authority to withhold privileges of personnelin a liberty status rests with the commandingofficer or officer in charge. Such authority may,however, be delegated to the appropriate level.Extension of Working HoursDepriving an individual of liberty or privilegesas a punishment for any offense or substandardperformance of duty is illegal, except asspecifically authorized under the UCMJ.However, you can require personnel to performtasks efficiently and insist that those tasks be donein a timely manner. Therefore, requiringpersonnel to remain on board outside of regularworking hours to perform necessary tasks is notpunishment. Personnel can be required to stay onboard to complete work assignments that shouldhave been completed, to complete additionalessential work, or to maintain a required level ofoperational readiness.Commanding officers and officers in chargemay grant officers and petty officers the authorityto extend working hours as needed. Good leader-ship and management practices require that theimpact of readiness requirements and workrequirements on liberty be reviewed continually.As a supervisor, you are expected to inform yourimmediate superiors of your plans to havepersonnel work beyond working hours.DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITYAs a petty officer first class, you will be thedivision leading petty officer (LPO), or you willbe in line for the position. The division LPO isthe enlisted assistant to the division officer. Youwill represent the division officer to the divisionand the division to the division officer. You willalso be entrusted with the supervisory task ofrunning the division. Therefore, you should befamiliar with the duties and responsibilities ofyour division officer as well as your own.DutiesThe division officer’s duties, responsibilities,and authority are outlined in the SORN. It isavailable at your ship’s or station’s admin office.Be sure to review the division officer’s duties,responsibilities, and authority.The division officer appoints the divisionLPO. This person is normally the senior CPO or4-3
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