may result in a dishonorable discharge or extendedREFERENCESimprisonment.Master-at-Arms 2, 1, & C, Volume 1, NAVEDTRAFar more than civilians, we in military service10255, Naval Education and Training Programdepend on each other. The lives of all hands on a NavyManagement Support Activity, Pensacola, Fla.,ship or aircraft may depend on the alertness of one1985.person and that person’s assignment. CommandingNaval Military Personnel Manual, NAVPERS 15560A,officers cannot trust their units, ships, or planes to aNaval Military Personnel Command, Washington,person who may be under the influence of drugs, mayD.C., ill from hangover or withdrawal symptoms, or mayhave a drug flashback in a moment of tension or combat.The safety of the ship and the independence of Americadepend on the top performance of everyone in the crew.HORSE LATITUDESTHE WORDS OF SAMUEL TAYLOR COLERIDGE “IDLE AS A PAINTED SHIP UPON A PAINTEDOCEAN” WELL DESCRIBE A SAILING SHIPS SITUATION WHEN IT ENTERED THE HORSE LATITUDES.LOCATED NEAR THE WEST INDIES BETWEEN 30 AND 40 DEGREES NORTH LATITUDE, THESE WATERSWERE NOTED FOR UNFAVORABLE WINDS THAT BECALMED CATTLE SHIPS HEADING FROMEUROPE TO AMERICA.OFTEN SHIPS CARRYING HORSES WOULD HAVE TO CAST SEVERAL OVERBOARD TO CONSERVEDRINKING WATER FOR THE REST AS THE SHIP RODE OUT THE UNFAVORABLE WINDS. BECAUSE SOMANY HORSES AND OTHER CATTLE WERE TOSSED TO THE SEA, THE AREA CAME TO BE KNOWNAS THE “HORSE LATITUDES.”3-23
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