Aftercare. –Following successful completion of aLevel II or III alcohol abuse program and return to theircommand, persons remain in an "aftercare" status for180 days. The nature of the aftercare program variesfrom case to case. Most programs require closeobservation of the persons during the 180-day period.They also require the persons to attend AlcoholicsAnonymous meetings and, if medically authorized, totake part in Antiabuse (disulfiram) therapy.The Navy’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Preventionand Control Program includes education andrehabilitation. It takes a preventative educationalapproach by providing information on the effects ofalcohol and alcohol addiction through multimediapresentations. Through this program, every navalhospital provides evaluation, detoxification, andprimary rehabilitation. The alcohol rehabilitationcenters and the smaller alcohol rehabilitation unitsconduct more extensive treatment and rehabilitation.These centers and units are strategically located in areaswith a large concentration of Navy personnel.The Navy’s Alcohol and Drug Abuse Preventionand Control Program has a referral network of voluntarycollateral duty counselors. These counselors try toidentify specific cases of problem drinking in the earlystages. If a counselor spots persons whose performanceor health indicates a drinking problem, a medical officerexamines them. After drying out in a hospital, if needed,they are admitted to a rehabilitation facility.NAVY DRUG AND ALCOHOL COUN-SELOR. –Drug and alcohol counselors are graduates ofthe Navy Drug and Alcohol Counselor School. Thecounselors have successfully completed a 1-yearsupervised internship and have earned a secondaryNavy Enlisted Classification (SNEC) 9519 throughsuccessful completion of the certification examination.They provide evaluation and referral services at the localCAAC to assist local commands in the processing ofpersons identified as drug or alcohol abusers. They alsoprovide individual and group counseling services todrug and alcohol abusers. Commands and individualsseeking help or information concerning alcohol or drugabuse and abuse control programs may contact thesecounselors.DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAMADVISOR (DAPA). –The DAPA is the commandrepresentative responsible to the commanding officerfor carrying out the NADAP. The DAPA conductsonboard administrative screening as directed by thecommanding officer and coordinates or assists inconducting command awareness education. The DAPAassists in monitoring aftercare when required and servesas the command’s self-referral agent. The DAPA isassisted by a Navy aftercare coordinator (NAC) whohelps establish and monitor aftercare programs forrecovering individuals.COUNSELING AND ASSISTANCE CENTER(CAAC). –The CAAC is a nonresidential facilityprovidingcounselingservices,clinicalscreebubg/referral, and local outreach programs forcommands in the immediate geographic area. The NavyAlcohol and Drug Safety Action Program (NADSAP)office is located at the CAAC. NADSAP is a commandprevention/remedial education tool, providing 36 hoursof education about alcohol and drug abuse. TheNADSAP office also provides civilian court liaison forpersonnel accused of DWI and similar offenses.NADSAP supports and coordinates alcohol and drugabuse prevention programs for local and afloatcommands. The CAAC sends a representative to theregional Navy Drug and Alcohol Advisory Council(NDAAC).NAVAL ALCOHOL REHABILITATIONCENTERS (NAVALREHCEN). –Alcohol rehabili-tation centers (NAVALREHCEN) provide a program ofintense and comprehensive rehabilitation foractive-duty Navy and Marine Corps personnel sufferingfrom alcoholism. These centers, located at Norfolk,Virginia; Miramar, California; Jacksonville, Florida;and Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, are under the command of amedical officer.ALCOHOL REHABILITATION DEPART-MENT (ARDs). –Alcohol rehabilitation departments(ARDs) have been established at different Navyhospitals in the United States and some foreigncountries. These departments are staffed by a drug andalcohol abuse treatment specialist in addition to medicalpersonnel. The ARD is available to active-dutypersonnel of the Navy and Marine Corps.OTHER HELPING RESOURCES. –Otherhelping resources available to you arc the senior Navypeople around you. Your division chief, commandmaster chief, or chaplain has the experience, seniority,and knowledge necessary to give you the properguidance. That doesn’t mean you should jump the chainof command; you should know that is never a goodpractice. However, if you find yourself in a situation inwhich your experience or knowledge will not permit youto make an informed decision, you should inform yourseniors of the problem and request their assistance.Unless the situation requires complete confidentiality,don’t keep your senior petty officer out of the picture. If3-21
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