the problem is serious enough, such as an incident thatcould be a violation of the UCMJ, inform yoursupervisor even if the situation requires confidentiality.Then ensure the problem gets to the proper level withinthe chain of command for proper action.Apply common sense in the handling of anyproblem, whether your own problem or a subordinate’sproblem. You can then reach a proper solution that isbest for all concerned.SUMMARYIn this chapter we discussed some of the Navy’sprograms in support of equal opportunity and drug andalcohol abuse prevention, treatment, and rehabilitation.The thousands of hours and millions of dollarsinvested in the pursuit of equal opportunity over the pastdecade reflect the Navy’s total commitment to equalopportunity (EO). During that time, the Navy hasfocused firmly on the principle that individualachievement should be limited only by ability andaspiration.New Navy programs make EO a more integral partof leadership and management. Command managedequal opportunity focuses on the prevention ofdiscriminatory incidents before they occur. Commandsassess themselves as often as needed to problem-solveand to develop their own plans of action to correct anydeficiencies. Commanding officers have theresponsibility to ensure their commands take theinitiative to make equal opportunity a reality for all navalpersonnel.As a senior petty officer, you have the responsibilityto maintain good order and discipline. Therefore, youmust know the possible punishments for discriminatorypractices. Since you will complete and file investigativereport chits, you must also know the rights of theaccused.The history of drug abuse proves that it has adestructive effect on society. However, some peopledefend the use of drugs, even if they have decided notto try drugs themselves. They say people have a “right”to use drugs if they wish, regardless of the law. Otherslook the other way, saying it is none of their business.Some are afraid to say anything about it at all.What about the older generation that warns aboutdrugs but then uses alcohol? Those people may wishthe y had never started using alcohol and want to savethe younger generation from the pain and anguish theyhave experienced.Over 800,000 die annually from heart disease andstrokes, nearly one-fourth of which are caused byalcohol. Over 50,000 die each year in automobileaccidents, over half of which are caused by drunkdriving. Why build up similar statistics on drugs too?Why not be smarter and seek to have along, healthy life?How can anyone defend marijuana by saying it isno worse than alcohol? Alcohol is now the nation’snumber one drug problem. Why develop another drugproblem that is equally as bad as alcoholism?One argument in favor of drugs is that hallucinogens“expand the mind.” Actually they produce illusions anddistortions. They cause the senses to distort reality sothat mental work becomes more difficult-or evenimpossible. Why not face reality so that problems canbe solved?Some have said that stimulants increase your mentalabilities-more alert for tests, more zip for athletics, andso forth. Actually, they draw on the body’s reserveenergy. Using stimulants too much will exhaust yourmind and body. Why not find your capabilities bynatural means? That way, what you do will really beyour own accomplishment.Some have said that depressants slow the worlddown and make problems smaller. Actually, they slowthe abuser down, not the world. They dull the abuser’ssenses and make the abuser less effective-less able torespond to normal demands and emergencies. Isn’t itsilly to think that by not caring, you will either solveproblems or make them go away?Many people say that trying “just once” never hurtanyone. That is not so. The law makes few exceptionsfor the first error. Most addicts started by trying “justonce.” Why should you think you are smarter or luckierthan those other poor souls who got hooked?Is drug use in your command none of your business?How can that be so when it involves criminals andcriminal acts and affects the security, safety, and goodhealth of you and your shipmates? Are you concernedthat your life may be endangered by some drunk ordoped-up person the next time you drive your car on thestreet? The Constitution does not give lawbreakers theright to deprive law-abiding citizens of their health andhappiness.Remember this too-the consequences of drug abusemay greatly affect your career in the Navy. Undermilitary law, drug abuse is “conduct prejudicial to goodorder and discipline.” Abusers will be disciplined atCaptain’s mast or tried by courts-martial. Such cases3-22
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