NIS will advise you of any further action totake and will coordinate other actions withmembers of the U.S. intelligence community. Inremote locations where you cannot contact NISquickly enough, you may contact field represent-atives of other U.S. intelligence agencies.Contacts With Citizensof Hostile CountriesReport to NIS any form of contact, intentionalor otherwise, with any citizen of a Communist-controlled country or country hostile to the UnitedStates. The term contact means any form ofencounter, association, or communication withany citizen of a Communist-controlled or hostilecountry. That includes cent acts in person or byradio, telephone, letter, or other forms ofcommunication for social, official, private, or anyother reasons. Report to NIS any visits you maketo embassies, consulates, trade or press offices,or other official establishments of these countries.Contacts and other associations with citizensof Communist-controlled or hostile countries arenot, in themselves, wrong, against regulations, orillegal. However, report the contact immediatelyso that NIS may evaluate the contacts to protectthe Department of the Navy from hostile in-telligence activities. This policy applies to allDepartment of the Navy personnel, military andcivilian, including active-duty Reserve personnel.Suicide or Attempted SuicideIf a Department of the Navy member who hadaccess to classified information commits suicideor attempts suicide, the commanding officerimmediately reports the incident to the nearestNIS office. The commanding officer forwards allavailable information about the incident by thequickest means possible. COMNAVSECINVCOMreceives an information copy of the report. Thereport explains the nature and extent of theclassified information to which the individual hadaccess.The NIS office receiving the report coordinatesthe investigation with the commanding officer.If NIS assumes immediate investigative respon-sibility, command investigative efforts are subor-dinate to those of the NIS.Unauthorized AbsenceWhen a Department of the Navy member whohad access to classified information is in anunauthorized absence status, the commandingofficer conducts an inquiry. The purpose of theinquiry is to determine if the member’s activities,behavior, or associations may be detrimental tothe interest of national security. If such indica-tions exist, the commanding officer reports allavailable information by the quickest means tothe nearest NIS office. COMNAVSECINVCOMalso receives a report of the information.Foreign TravelPersons with a security clearance should reportto their security office before performing anyforeign travel. Failure to report trips abroad orfrequent foreign travel should be investigated.Any unusual circumstances involving foreigntravel should be referred to the nearest NISoffice and to COMNAVSECINVVOM.CLASSIFIED MATERIALClassified material is any product containinginformation that could adversely affect thenational security if disclosed without authoriza-tion. Although the Department of the Navy mustprevent the release of classified material to thepublic, it releases as much information about itsactivities as possible. Therefore, commands onlyassign security classifications to information asneeded to protect national security.When assigning security classifications, avoidclassifying information unnecessarily or giving ita higher than necessary classification. If you havereasonable doubt about the need to classifyinformation, safeguard it as if it were classifiedat least Confidential. You may then request thatthe original classification authority (OCA) deter-mine if the classification should be changed. Thesame logic applies to the appropriate level ofclassification. Safeguard the information as if itwere classified at the higher level until the OCAcan make a determination. The OCA should makea determination within 30 days.CLASSIFICATION DESIGNATIONSInformation that requires protection againstunauthorized disclosure in the interest of nationalsecurity receives one of three classificationdesignations: Top Secret, Secret, or Confidential.Do not use the markings For Official Use Onlyand Limited Official Use to identify classifiedinformation. Neither use modifying terms, such9-14
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