receive approval only when an overriding need
occurs and you can provide the required physical
safeguards, including approved storage. Your
command must keep a list of the materials
removed. You will receive approval for the
removal of classified material overnight only when
you have access to a secure government or cleared
industrial facility for storage.
Restricted Areas
Different areas within a command may have
varying degrees of security importance depending
on the purpose and nature of the work, informa-
tion, and materials concerned. In some cases,
the entire area of a command may have a
uniform degree of security importance. In others,
differences in degree of security importance will
require further segregation of certain activities.
In locations where a language other than English
is prevalent, display Restricted Area warning
notices in English and the local language.
Do not designate controlled areas, limited
areas, and exclusion areas in any way that
outwardly notes their relative sensitivity. Identify
any such area only as a Restricted Area.
Care During Working Hours
During working hours, take the following pre-
cautions to prevent access to classified information
by unauthorized persons:
After removing classified documents from
storage, keep them under constant surveillance
and face down or covered when not in use.
Classified material cover sheets, shown in figures
9-5, 9-6, and 9-7, are the only forms authorized
for covering classified documents.
Figure 9-6.-Classified material cover sheet, Standard Form 704.