4-11.4-12.4-13.4-14.4-15.4-16.Who is responsible for assigning thecorrect urgency–of–need designatorto a material request?1.Material officer2.Executive officer3.Department head4.Supply officerAn authorized coordinated shipboardallowance list reactor part wouldhave which of the following urgencyof need designators assigned?1. A2. B3. C4. DWho is responsible for inspectingitems purchased from a commercialsource prior to payment being made?1.Division chief2.Supply officer3.D i v i s i o n o f f i c er4.Department headWhat person must sign the copy ofthe purchase document stamped“received, inspected, and accepted”?1.D i v i s i o n o f f i c e r2.Department head3.Division chief4.Supply officerThe supply officer has which of thefollowing types of control overconsumables and repair parts thatare1.2.3.4.Thestowed in departmental spaces?Stock record controlInventory controlStowage controlUse controlrecordinq of receipts,expenditures,and inventories ofspare parts and consumables within adepartment is the directresponsibility of which of thefollowing persons?1.Senior CPO of the department2.D i v i s i o n o f f i c er3.Designated custodian4.Department head4-17.What is the purpose of using dunnageunder material being stowed on deck?1.To protect against excessiveshock2.To provide more economical useof space3.To protect against moisture4.To aid in handling4-18.In the physical arrangement ofmaterial for stowage, which of thefollowing factors should you giveprimary consideration?1.Suitability for issue andinventory2 .Size and weight distribution3.Stock number sequence4.Orderliness4-19.Which of the following precautionsshould be observed when handling andstowing hazardous materials?1.Ventilate adequately2 .Provide separate stowage areasto prevent mixing of materials3.Allow only authorized personnelin stowage area4.Each of the above4-20.Who generally has custodialresponsibility for binoculars?1.The leading Quartermaster2 .The senior Signalman3.The operations department head4.The executive officer4–21.For signature-required items ofcontrolled equipage in the custodyof a department, which of thefollowing persons should sign (a)the custody records and (b) theduplicate custody records?1.(a)(b)2.(a)(b)3.(a)(b)4.(a)(b)Commanding officerDepartment headDepartment headActual custodianDepartment headD i v i s i o n o f f i c erCommanding officerSupply officer23
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