3-39.The order of control within anorganization is defined by which ofthe following terms?1.Chain of command2.Unity of command3.Span of control4.Specialization3-40.How many people can one persone f f e c t i v e l y s u p e r v i s e?1. 52. 103.124. 133-41.The order of authority within anorganization is explained by whichof the following organizationalconcepts?1.Chain of command2.Unity of command3.Span of control4.Specialization3-42.Delegating your authority is anoutstanding way to trainsubordinates for positions ofgreater authority.1.True2.False3-43.Which of the following statementsconcerning authority is correct?1.Most authority in the Navy isdelegated2.Subordinates usually acceptauthority readily3.Subordinates must recognize youhave authority over them beforeyour authority exist4.Each of the above3-44.When you tell a junior enlistedperson in another division or workcenter to get a haircut, you areexercising which, if any, of thefollowing types of authority?3-45.The use of threats or negativerewards is the use of which of thefollowing types of power?1.Expert2.Referent3.Coercive4.Informational3-46.When you influence others throughthe use of your specializedknowledge, you are exercising whichof the following types of power?1.Expert2.Referent3.Coercive4.Informational3-47.Which of the following types ofpower do you have simply becausepeople identify with you being ac h i e f?1.Expert2 .Referent3.Coercive4.Informational3-48.Which of the following statementsconcerning leadership is true?1.It is the motivating force thatleads to coordinated action andu n i t y o f e f f o rt2.Leaders must encourage, inspire,teach stimulate, and motivateall individuals of theorganization3.You should never let asubordinate be criticized orpenalized by anyone but yourself4.Each of the above3-49.A leader who believes people must becoerced, c o n t r o l l e d , d i r e c t e d , orthreatened is using which of thefollowing leadership theories?1. W2. X3. Y4. Z1.Line2 .S t a f f3.Functional4.None of the above19
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