3-19.Which of the following statementsdefines time-phased goal settingc r i t e r i a?1.Tests your ability, but has atleast a 50 percent chance ofbeing attained2.Specifies criteria or checkpoints for accomplishing thegoal3.Provides a time schedule ordeadline for reaching the goal4.Specifies the necessary actionto take3-20.If a task does not fit into thepriority of urgent, important, orimportant/urgent, when should you dothe task?1.Whenever you find time2.Before the urgent task3.Before the important task4.Before the urgent/important task3-21.Why should you use strengths,weaknesses, opportunities, andthreats (SWOT) analysis?1.To determine where the divisionneeds improvement2.To determine opportunitiesavailable to the division3.To determine if there are anyobstacles the division mustovercome4.All of the above3-22.What would an available school quotabe classified as during a SWOTanalysis?1.Strength2.Weakness3.Opportunity4.Threat3-23.You must assign a person to a billetthat requires completion of apersonnel qualification standard.When, if ever, is the personconsidered qualified to fill theb i l l e t ?1.When the assignment is made2.When the person completes thePersonnel qualification standard3.When the service record entrydocumenting completion of thepersonnel qualification standardis made4.Never3-24.Trying to anticipate problems andmaking corrections before problemsoccur requires which of thefollowing types of control?1.Quality2.Feedback3.Concurrent4.Feedforward3-25.Which of the following types ofcontrol involves making correctionsafter an event happens?1.Feedforward2.Concurrent3.Feedback4.Quality3-26.Which of the following types ofcontrol involves making changes asan event occurs?1.Quality2.Feedback3.Concurrent4.Feed forward3-27.An inspection of the raw input fordefects is what type of qualityc o n t r o l?1.Quality circle2.Zero defects3.Feedforward4.Feedback17
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