2-46.2-47.2-48.2-49.2-50.Aboard ship mess gear is often foundin the work center.By regulation,which of the following personsis/are charged with ensuring themess gear is immediately returned tothe1.2.3.4.mess decks?The division officerThe person who took the messgearThe senior petty officer incharge of the spaceAll of the aboveWhich of the following statementsconcerning uniforms and clothing istrue?1.You may wear frayed or dirtyuniforms2.You may wear an article that isnot prescribed as part of theuniform of the day3.You may wear the uniform in amanner that would bringdiscredit to the Navy4.No names or marks may be placedon foul weather clothing exceptthe number prescribed foro f f i c i a l d e s i g n a t i o nEach person is responsible forkeeping his or her locker locked atall times.1.True2.FalseYou may bring your personal cameraaboard ship without first obtainingpermission.1.True2.FalseWhich of the following statementsis/are applicable to the plan of theday?1.It will posted on divisionbulletin boards2.In port, it will be read atquarters3.It will be published daily bythe XO4.All of the above2-51.2-52.2-53.2-54.2-55.2-56.2-57.The use of profane, obscene, orvulgar words or gestures aboardnaval units is an accepted practiceand doesn’t violate any regulations.1.True2.FalseChapter 7 of the SORN covers whichof the following topics?1.Safety2.Training3.Unit Bills4.Unit directives systemWhat chapter in the SORN coversguidelines for establishingo p e r a t i o n a l b i l l s?1.Unit Bills2.Watch Organization3.The Unit Organization4.Standard Unit OrganizationWhat is the equal right ofj u r i s d i c t i o n c a l l e d?1.Jurisprudence jurisdiction2.E q u i l a t e r a l j u r i s d i c t i on3.Concurrent jurisdiction4.Disparate jurisdictionWhen a military member is tried in aU.S. court, the military will paythe attorney fees and court cost.1.True2.FalseAmerican troops are stationed inEurope for which of the followingreasons?1.To benefit our allies2.To recognize the need forcollective strength3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Europe pays the U.S. forstationing the troops in NATOcountriesStatus of Forces Agreements onlyapply to active duty militarypersonnel.1.True2.False13
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