2-10.What is the primary regulatorydocument of the Navy?1.Standard Organization andRegulations of the U.S. Navy2.Uniform Code of Military Justice3.Manual for Courts-Martial, 19844.U.S. Navy Regulations2-11.Chapter 8 of U.S. Navy Regulations,1990, applies to which of thefollowing people?1.Commanding officers2 .Prospective commanding officers3.Petty officers detailed asofficer in charge or commandduty officer4.All of the above2-12.Which of the following chapters ofU.S. Navy Regulations, 1990,outlines the actions of U.S. navalforces when in the vicinity of otherarmed forces?1.The Senior Officer Present2.Precedence, Authority andCommand3.Commanders in Chief and OtherCommanders4.Statutory Authority for UnitedStates Navy Regulations2-13.Which chapter in U.S. NavyRegulations,1990, providesinformation on detailing officersand enlisted persons?1.The Senior Officer Present2 .Precedence,Authority andCommand3.Commanders in Chief and OtherCommanders4.Statutory Authority for UnitedStates Navy Regulations2-14.The articles specifically enumeratedin article 137 of the Uniform Codeof Military Justice should beexplained to each enlisted person atwhich of the following times?1.After completion of six monthsactive duty2 .At the time of each PCS move3.Before each deployment4.Three months before separationfrom the Navy2-15.Which of the following publicationsis NOT required to be made availableto any person on active duty?1.Navy Regulations2.Uniform Code of Military Justice3.Pay and Personnel ProceduresManual4.Navy Military Personnel Manual2-16.Which of the following statementsconcerning the exercise of authorityis true?1.A retired Navy captain mayexercise authority over allsubordinate personnel2.A master chief petty officer inthe Fleet Reserve may exerciseauthority over all subordinates3.A comnander on the sick list mayexercise authority over allsubordinates4.A second class petty officer onactive duty, capable ofdischarging all duties mayexercise authority over allsubordinate personnel2-17.When an enlisted person receives anorder that conflicts with apreviously received order, which ofthe following actions should thatperson take?1.Obey the first Order2.Obey the last order3.Obey neither order4.Obey both orders9
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