1-33.Which of the following factorscontribute(s) to deterrence in thePacific and East Asian regions?1.Bilateral defense treaties2.Weapons technology3.PACOM forces4.All of the above1-34.Which of the following countries isNOT working toward acquiringnuclear weapons capability?1.Saudi Arabia2.France3.Iraq4.Iran1-35.Which of the following countrieswas a joint partner with Israel indeveloping nuclear weapons?1.United States2.Soviet Union3.France4.Spain1-36.What country(ies) conductedpreemptive strikes against an Iraqinuclear reactor?1.United States2.I s r a el3.Iran4.Both 2 and 3 above1-37.Which of the following armsreduction talks resulted in ana n t i b a l l i s t i c m i s s i l e t r e a tybetween the U.S. and the SovietUnion?1.SALT2.PEPPER3.SALT IA4.SALT II1-38.In arms reduction talks, the U.S.will try to limit which of thefollowing items?1-39.In the event of a nuclear warbetween the U.S. and the SovietUnion, what is the primary missionof the Soviet navy?1.To sink as many U.S. submarinesas possible2.To disrupt sea lines ofcommunication3.To shoot down incoming U.S.planes and cruise missiles4.To conduct nuclear strikes fromSSBNs operating in protectedwaters1-40.How far from the Soviet mainland dothe Soviet sea denial zones usuallyextend?1.1,000 miles2.1,000 kilometers3.2,000 miles4.2,000 kilometers1-41.U.S national security is based ondeterrence,propositioning off o r c e s, and creating sea denialzones.1.True2.False1–42.How many diesel submarines, if any,does the U.S. Navy maintain ina c t i v e s e r v i c e ?1. 12.3. 104.None1-43.The U.S. submarine force includeswhich of the following attacksubmarine classes?1.Permit2.Lafayette3.James Madison4.Benjamin Franklin1.American–Soviet competition instrategic nuclear forces2.American treaty compliance3.Soviet treaty compliance4.Strategic deterrence42
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