1-22.Which of the following cities isthe home port of the Soviet BlackSea Fleet?1.Severodvinsk2.Sevastopol3.T r i p o li4. Ur1-23.What is the primary mission of theSoviet navy?1.World–wide power projection2.To provide security for Sovietshipping3.To provide security for thirdworld allies4.To provide support for Sovietland–based forces1-24.The bulk of Soviet naval air poweris derived by which of thefollowing methods of providing airpower?1.Land–based aircraft2.A i r c r a f t c a r r i e rs3.Helo carriers4.Destroyers1-25.Which of the following Sovietf l e e t s c o n t a i n a i r c r a f t c a r r i e r s?1.Pacific Ocean Fleet2.Black Sea Fleet3.Caspian Fleet4.Baltic Fleet1-26.Which of the following Sovietfleets does NOT contain fleetballistic missile submarines?1.Pacific Ocean Fleet2.Black Sea Fleet3.Northern Fleet4.Baltic Fleet1-27.Approximately 10 percent of theworld’s sea trade passes throughthe Suez Canal at which of thefollowing points?1.Hormuz2.Hormel3.Abul Nabul4.Babel Mandeb1-28.Persian Gulf states are buildingoverland oil–pipe routes to lessenthe importance of the Israelicontrolled Suez Canal.1.True2.False1-29.USCENTCOM naval forces in theMiddle East and Southwest Asia areunder which of the followingcorrrnands?1.Commander Sixth FleetCommander Seventh Fleet3.Commander Middle East Forces4.Supreme Allied Comnander NATO1-30.Which, if any, of the followingstatements describes why Africa isstrategically important to westernnations?1.It is very suitable for weaponstesting because large areas ofland are uninhabited2.I t h a s p o r t f a c i l i t i e s s u i t a b lefor naval bases3.It has a wealth of naturalresources4.None of the above1-31.Operation El Dorado involved whichof the following countries?1.United States and Mozambique2.United States and Grenada3.United States and Libya4.United States and Iraq1-32.The U.S. could lose Philippinebases for which of the followingreasons?1.The leases must be periodicallyrenegotiated with thePhilippine governmentRecent base realignment hasindicated the bases are notc o s t e f f e c t i ve3.The Philippine government hascut off aid4.The U.S. refuses to pay rent32 .2.
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