1-44.Which of the following weaponsplatforms do the Soviets use astheir primary platform forconducting naval warfare?1.A i r c r a f t c a r r i e rs2.Submarines3.Destroyers4.A i r c r a ft1-45.When compared to the U.S., theSoviet submarine force has whatsize and effectiveness?1.Smaller size, more effective2. Larger size, less effective3.Smaller size, less effective4.Larger size, more effective1-46.Which of the following types ofSoviet submarines carries cruisemissiles as a primary weapon?1.SSGN2.SSN3. SS4.ALL of the above1-47.What is the principle weakness ofthe Soviet navy?1.Lack of aircraft carriers2.Lack of long–range aircraft3.Dependence on submarines tocounter U.S. surface forces4.A very low priority inproviding underwayreplenishment1-48.What is the newest class of Sovieta i r c r a f t c a r r i e r?1-49.What stance does the U.S. take onchemical and biological weapons?1.The U.S. encourages their useby our allies because they areless expensive than nuclearweapons2.Nuclear weapons are moreefficient so we don’t stockchemical weapons3.We will do all we can toprevent their use4.We will retaliate in kind1-50.Which of the following nerve agentsis most likely to be produced by athird world country?1. GD2. GB3. GA4. VX1-51.Countries with known or suspectedchemical weapons capabilitiesinclude which of the followingMiddle Eastern countries?1.I s r a e l,Egypt, Lebanon, Syria,Iraq, and Iran2.Egypt, Iran, Syria, Libya,I s r a e l,and Iraq3.Saudi Arabia,Egypt, Israel,Iran, Iraq. and Libya4.Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Egypt,I s r a e l,Libya, Lebanon1-52.The United States supported Iraqduring the Iran-Iraq War.1. True2. False1.T b i l i siOkhotsk3.Nikolayev4.Ouagadougou52 .
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