ASSIGNMENT 2Textbook Assignment:Chapter 2 "Military Conduct and Justice,” pages 2-1 through 2-22.2-1.2-2.2-3.2 - 4 .2-5.When assigned as the preliminaryinquiry officer, you will usuallyinvestigate which of the followingo f f e n s e s?1.Offenses undera fact finding2.offenses underNIS3.Major offenses4.Minor offensesinvestigation bybodyinvest.igation byThe legal officer uses what part ofthe Manual for Courts–Martial, 1984in preparing a report chit?1.Part I2. Part III3.Part IV4.Part VIThe accused is informed of his orher rights under which of thef o l l o w i n g a r t i c l e s?1.Article 31(a) of the Manual forCourts–Martial, 19842 . A r t i c l e 3 1 ( b ) o f t h e U n i f o rmCode of Military Justice3.Article 30(a) of the Manual forCourts-Martial, 19844.Article 30(b) of the UniformCode of Military JusticeWhen serving as the preliminaryinvestigation officer, you shouldremain impartial.1.True2 .FalseWhat source of information providesthe best facts about the accused?1.Service record of the accused2.An informal interview with thewitnesses3.The person who initiated thereport chit4.Supervisors and peers of theaccused2-6.Who has the greatest motive forlying or distorting the truth?1.The witnesses2.The accused, if guilty3.The accused, if innocent4.The person who initiated thereport chit2-7.A copy of the Ship’s Organizationand Regulations Manual is what type of evidence?Documentary evidenceRegulatory evidencePhysical evidenceReal evidence2-8.The preliminary investigationofficer should conduct an interviewwith the accused at which of thefollowing times?1.As soon as the report chit isf i l l e d o ut2.After examining the real anddocumentary evidence3.After the accused has beenadvised of article 31(b) of theUCMJ and makes a waiver ofrights4.After advising the accused onthe legal technicalities of thecase2-9.The United States Coast Guard isassigned to the Navy at which of thefollowing times?1.Upon declaration of war2.When directed by the president3.Both 1 and 2 above4.When requested by the Chief ofNaval Operations8
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