1-53.The job of the U.S. Navy in thePersian Gulf, from 1987 to 1988, isbest described by which of thefollowing statements?1.The primary mission was insupport of the Iraqi navy2.The mission of the U.S. Navywas to seek out and destroyIranian naval units3.The primary mission was toensure freedom of passage tooil tankers4.The primary mission was to actas decoys while elements of theBritish and French naviesattacked terrorist camps1-54.Which of the following countriescould be the United States mostformidable opponent in the MiddleEast?1.Iraq2.Iran3.Syria4.Libya1-55.Which of the following countriesclaims to be the victim of numerousIraqi chemical attacks?1.Iran2.Libya3.Syria4.I s r a el1-56.Which of the following countries isknown to have stockpiles of SovietSS-1 missiles?1.Iran2 . I r aq3.Syria4.All of the above1-57.The chemical agent distilledmustard,HD, belongs to which ofthe following families of agents?1.Choking2.B l i s t er3.Nerve4.Blood1-58.1-59.1-60.1-61.1-62.1–63 .The chemical agent diphosgene, DP,belongs to which of the followingfamilies of agents?1.Choking2.B l i s t er3.Nerve4.BloodThe chemical agent cyanogenc h l o r i d e, CK, belongs to which ofthe following families of agents?1.Choking2.B l i s t er3.Nerve4.BloodThe chemicalwhich of theagents?1.Choking2.B l i s t er3.Nerve4.BloodWhich of theagents has aappearance?, GDNitrogen,agent VX belongs tofollowing families offollowing chemicaldark yellowHNMustard–Lewisite, HLCyanogen Chloride, CKcountry capable of producingorganophosphorus pesticides canproduce which of the followingchemical agents? is a version of which offollowing weapons?Soviet SS-1Chinese M-9Soviet SS-12Chinese Type 53 artilleryrocket6
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