1-11.1-12.1-13.1–14.1-15.1-16.An essential element of powerprojection is identified by whichof the following requirements?1.Amphibious ships2.Counter insurgency warfare3.Intermediate hostilei n t e r d i c t i on4.Forward deployed propositioningof shipsThe use of fleet ballistic missilesubmarines to provide a nuclearstrike is an example of seac o n t r o l .1.True2.FalseThe unrestricted global mobility ofnaval forces is based on which ofthe following items?1.Treaties2.Tradition3.International agreement4.D i f f i c u l t y o f d e t e c t i onThe Soviets restrict their navalpower projection to the watersaround the Soviet Union and theEast Coast of the United States.1.True2.FalseThe German navy has upgraded NATO’sair defense through the purchase ofwhich of the following aircraft?1.F–14D2.F–1043.F/A–184.TornadoWho is responsible for NATO’soffensive and defensive capabilityin the Norwegian and MediterraneanSeas?1.CINCLANT2.CINCMED3.SACLANT4.SACPAC1-17.Which of the following areas ofresponsibility belongs to NATO?1.Northwestern TVD2.Western TVD3.AFCENT4.All of the above1-18.Which of the following areas ofresponsibility is a Soviet theaterof operation?1.Northwestern TVD2.Southern TVD3.Western TVD4.Each of the above1-19.Why are the Soviets conducting along–range strategic nuclearmodernization program?1.To prove they are the worldleaders in arms technology andto provide third worldcountries with new weapons2.To replace every out-of-datenuclear warhead with a newermore efficient warhead3.To comply with expected futurestrategic arms reduction treatyconstraints4.To reduce the chance ofaccidental war1-20.Which of the following choke pointsis NOT applicable to Soviet shipsdeploying from Severodvinsk?1.Danish Straits2.Barents Straits3.Turkish Straits4.Iceland-England gap1-21.The Soviet Black Sea Fleet could becontained by sinking a ship inwhich of the following chokepoints?1.Danish Straits2.Barents Straits3.Turkish Straits4.Greenland–Iceland gap2
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