2-18.Which of the following officerswould have authority over allpersons embarked in a boat?1.A chaplain who is a captain2 .A Supply Corps commander3.A naval aviator who is alieutenant cormmander4.A Chief Warrant Boatswain2-19.The department head assigns a job toa chief.The chief is busy andassigns the job to the leading pettyofficer (LPO).The LPO forgetsabout the job and goes on liberty.Who was responsible for completingthe job?1.The LPO only2.The chief only3.The LPO, chief, and divisiono f f i c e r4.The LPO, chief, and departmenthead2-20.A sentry would NOT have authorityover which, if any, of the followingpersons on his or her post?1.A line officer2 .A s t a f f o f f i c er3.The command master chief4.None of the above2-21.When, i f e v e r, may a junior persongive an order to an officer who issenior to him or her?1.When the junior is the pettyofficer of the watch2 .When the junior is serving onthe staff of a rear admiral3.When the junior is an executiveofficer executing an order ofthe commanding officer4.Never2-22.When may an officer accept moneyfrom an enlisted person?1.When the officer has sold anitem of personal property to theenlisted person2 .Only when on liberty3.As a birthday gift4.Only as a loan2-23.A chief petty officer loans money toanother chief petty officer.What,if any, is the maximum interest ratethat can be charged?1.10 percent2.14 percent3.18 percent4.None2-24.Which of the following persons mayinspect your record held by theChief of Naval Personnel?1.You2.Your designated agent.3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Your division officer2-25.Which of the following Navypersonnel are required to report alloffenses to proper authority?1.O f f i c e rs2 .Petty Officers3.Nonrated personnel4.All of the above2-26.If you believe one of your personnelhas a communicable disease, whoshould you report it to?1.The command's medicalrepresentative2 .The commanding officer3.The executive officer4.The division officer2-27.Which, if any, of the followingstatements concerning exchange ofduty is c o r r e c t?1.You and another person only needto show up for each other’swatch2.You only need to notify theofficer of the deck3.You and the other person shouldprepare a special request chitrequesting an exchange of dutyand route it throuqh properauthority4.None of the above10
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