ASSIGNMENT 3Textbook Assignment:Chapter 3 “Leadership,”pages 3-1 through 3-23.3-1.Which, if any, of the followinglevels of management contains chiefp e t t y o f f i c e r s ?1.Top2.Middle3.Operating4.None of the above3-2 .In which of the following types ofplanning are chiefs normallyinvolved?1.Single–use2.Standing3.Strategic4.Both 2 and 3 above3 - 3 .What type of planning involvesactivities that will occur in 2 to 5years?1.Strategic2.Standing3.Procedures4.Single-use3-4.Which of the following plans givesbroad general statements of expectedbehavior?1.P o l i c i e s2.Procedures3.Rules and regulations4.Organizational objectives3-5.Which of the following plans aredetailed standing plans? o l i c i esProceduresRules and regulationsOrganizational objectives3 - 6 .What type of organizational documentshould you use to help avoid crisismanagement?1.The command policies2.the command procedures3.The command organizationalo b j e c t i v es4.The command’s rules andregulations3 - 7.Which of the following statementsconcerning rules and regulations istrue?1.They are standing plans2.They state what you may or maynot do in a given situation3.Commands use them to ensurepersonnel comply with commandp o l i cy4.Each of the above3 - 8 .Which of the following types ofcontrol is expressed in numericalterms, usually by category anda period of time?1.Budget2.P o l i cy3.Program4.P r o j e c t3 - 9 .Single-use plans are developedwhich of the following plans?1.Strategic2.Programs3.P r o j e c ts4.Budgetsoverfrom15
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