3-50.Immediate compliance to orders,tight job control, and numerousdetailed reports on jobs arecharacteristics of which of thefollowing leadership styles?1.Coach2.Coercer3.Affiliatior4.Pacesetter3-51.Which of the following definitionsidentifies the authoritarian styleof leadership?1.Negative feedback is given andname calling is frequent2 .Motivation is generated throughthreats of discipline orpunishment3.Rewards are given for personalcharacteristics and punishmentis rare4.Clear direction is given with nodoubt about who makes the finaldecisions3-52.Leaders who would rather do the jobthemselves,set high standards,expect self–direction, and havetrouble delegating authority,exercise which of the followingleadership styles?1.A f f i l i a t o r2.Pacesetter3.Democratic4.Coach3-53.A democratic leadership style wouldbe particularly harmful in a drillor battle condition for which of thefollowing reasons?1.It requires time for meetings2.The leader lacks control of thegroup3.Both 1 and 2 above4.It takes authority away fromsubordinates3-54.What leadership style is well suitedto a counselor but would have anegative effect on a work centeroperating on a tight schedule?1.Authoritarian2.A f f i l i a t or3.Democratic4.Coach3-55.When you prepare your work centerfor inspection by incorporatingpreparation for inspection into thedaily routine, you are demonstratingwhich of the following managements k i l l s ?1.Concern for standards2 .Concern for efficiency3.Planning and organizing4.Supervising for effectiveperformance3-56.You would exhibit the leadershipskill commitment to the command'smission by taking which of thefollowing actions?1.Seeing yourself as a leader2.Making yourself available toanswer questions3.Using threats or your authorityto influence others4.Acting with the best interest ofthe command in mind3-57.Which of the following statementsdescribes the action you should takein developing others?1.Use the proper setting andtiming for optimum impact2.See yourself as someone whomakes things happen3.Provide constructive feedback tosubordinates4.See yourself as a leader3-58.Which of the following personalcharacteristics is defined asconfronting issues directly andinsisting others recognize yourplace in the chain of command?1.Concern for achievement2 .Analytical problem solving3.Persistence4.Assertiveness20
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