4-32.You should conduct careerinformation interviews with juniorpersonnel for which of the followingpurposes?1.To inform them about the Navy2.To inform them of their benefits3.Both 1 and 2 above4.To meet the requirements of thecareer retention program4-33.Which of the following types ofreenlistment applies to personnelwho desire to convert to acritically undermanned rating?1.Regular2.Guard III3.STAR4.SCORE4-34.Which of the following reenlistmentsoffers career designation to firstterm personnel?1.Regular2.Guard III3.STAR4.SCORE4-35.Which of the following types ofreenlistment offers guaranteedadvancement to petty officer secondclass for qualified personnel aftercompletion of class C school?1.STAR2.SCORE3.Both 1 and 2 above4.Guard III4-36.When, if ever, does SGLI coverageterminate after separation fromactive duty?1.120 days2.180 days3.360 days4.Never4-37.Which of the following organizationsoffers the only supplementalinsurance endorsed by the Navy?1.American Red Cross2.Navy Mutual Aid Society3.Navy League4.Navy Relief Society4-38.When, if ever, are you allowed MALTpayments?1.When you use governmenttransportation2.When you travel by privatelyowed vehicle during a PCS move3.When you travel by privatelyowned vehicle while on TADorders4.Never4-39.If you die on active duty, yourspouse would receive a lump sumpayment of up to ,000 in which ofthe following payments?1.Death gratuity2 .SGLI3.DIC4.Social security4-40.A person who has 5 years and 11months of active military service,reenlists for a period of six years.This person could reenlist for anSRB zone B bonus at the end of hisor her obligated service.1.True2.False4-41.Which of the following educationalprograms provides seventy–fivepercent of the tuition cost foractive–duty personnel regardless ofrank, paygrade, or length ofs e r v i c e?1.SOC2.SOCNAV3.DANTESTA4-42.Which of the following programsenables personnel to achievejourneyman status in recognizedc i v i l i a n t r a d e s?1.National Apprenticeship Program2 .Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support3.Servicemembers OpportunityCollege4.Program for Afloat CollegeEducation254 .
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